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-Third person-

"Are you an idiot?" Lithuania pointed their finger at Russia. "I know god damn that Latvia didn't just walk to your house. You even said it yourself and now you're saying that he was in your house?". Russia rubbed at his temple annoyed by Lithuania's presence. "So you just came here to bug me off about Latvia disappearing? It's only been a day, Maybe he went to a secret hangout?".

Lithuania felt the urge to slap Russia. Estonia walked in and noticed Russia and Lithuania. "woah, bad time to come here no?" Estonia backed up. Lithuania sighed and made clear eye contact with Estonia. "Latvia didn't come back, I just found him missing from the shared room".

-Latvia's POV-

It was daylight I think, I came in after convincing Lithuania to let me in while they were cleaning the house up. They said that they made some classic first option Soup. I insisted that I wasn't hungry, Turns out that eating the soup would've prevented this.

"Latvia! Stop locking the door!". I kept my laughter in my throat for when I came up with the plan to lock Estonia out of the shared room. But I soon grew tired of it. "Estonia? I'll unlock the door". No response. That was weird. Estonia always responded.

I unlocked the door but I underestimated how loud it would sound. "Who's there?". I used this opportunity to scare Estonia. I opened the door and slowly made my way behind Estonia making creaking noises from my mouth.

"Boo". Estonia shrieked and then Smack! I put my hand over where Estonia slapped me. "Ow! Estonia don't hit me like that!". Estonia started to confront me about it but I mainly didn't listen because I was coming up with an excuse to be out this late. Then I realized that I was starving, I had my excuse.

"I'm just getting up to sneak to the nearest 24/7 store to get something to eat" And I grabbed my jacket from the hanger. I left the door open when I walked out but I was certain Estonia closed it. The 24/7 store wasn't far away so I only need my limbs to get there.

Once I got out into the streets, I realized how quiet it got. I could hear leaves rustle and creep me out. Crickets chirping but I wouldn't care for crickets, right? The 24/7 store was just a block away if only I could just-

"Get him!" Someone grabbed my arm and tried to pull me into a vehicle. "What the hell!? Let go of me!"

-Third Person-

Germany walked into the station. He was still angry at Denmark but what was going on between Lithuania and Russia had to be more serious. "What is going on here?" Germany asked Lithuania. "I asked Russia if he knew where Latvia could've gone and he said he never came by his house, And now he's saying he did!". "Oh come on. I got confused alright?' Lithuania gave Russia a slap across his face.

Estonia stepped up and yelled, "Ma tean, kuhu läti suundus! I know where Latvia was headed!". Everyone stopped. Germany felt uncomfortable in the silence but everyone had to be silent to hear what Estonia says. After all, Maybe this could make the progress of finding Latvia faster.

"Last night, Latvia scared me then he said he was going to get food from the 24/7 store down the block, He never came back after that". Germany sighed. "So he decided to go past curfew to get food? Who knows if a person comes up to him and decides to kidnap him?". "All that matters is that we need to know what happened to Latvia and find him before- I actually don't know but we have to find him" Lithuania then looked back at Russia. "And you better learn how to tell what people are asking".

-Canada's POV-

I called Australia for the fifth time and he never picked up. "God dammit". I put my phone down. "What is Aussie even doing to ignore my calls 5 times". I looked at my wall. "Guess I'll add a reminder". I got notebook paper from my desk and I was about to write until United knocked on my door. "What do you need A- United?" But to my misfortune, I forgot to lock the door and United stepped into my room. "Canada- Jeez! Why do you always have so many reminders on your walls? Is it like wallpaper for you!?"

United came up to the wall and took a paper from the middle. "This one is like from 1923! How old is this habit!?". "About my whole life, even as a colony" I bent down under my desk and took a pasted note and almost I ripped it but I managed to have it intact. "This one is from 1812, About the time when me and UK burnt the white house" I grabbed the tape and taped the paper back into its old place. "Anyway, what do you want?". "Just this" United grabbed my wrist and dragged me. "What the hell!? I can walk you know!". United dragged me down the hall and stairs.

Australia waited on the couch in the living room. "Ya'll finally got 'em?" Australia sat beside New Zealand. "What do you all want that required me to be dragged down here?" I asked. I didn't notice Australia and I should've and now that reminder I was about to write was a waste of time. "We've decided that we're going to take down the reminder walls of your room". "What!?" New Zealand stood up. "You should understand that this habit you developed is a wasteful and bad habit". I didn't mean to slap New Zealand but I did it anyway and now everyone is looking at me.

-Third Person-

New Zealand walked to the bathroom, Australia insisted that he'd help New Zealand but New Zealand refused his help. United looked at Canada, "Learn how to control your emotions at least" and United when to the door of the bathroom, Knocking to make sure New Zealand was alright. Canada knew what he had done but didn't know why.

"I'll just spend some time off" and Canada went up stairs and locked the door to his room and kept the key in his pocket. He went out the door and took a walk around the city.

-At the station-

Estonia issued Lithuania to go out and take a stroll while her and Germany settle stuff out. "How come rus boy gets to stay? He's the one that started my argument with him after all". "Lithuania, Please calm down and take a stroll" Estonia pushed Lithuania toward the exit door. "Let me do this" Russia insisted, He pushed Estonia to the side and shoves Lithuania out the exit door and slammed it closed.

Lithuania banged on the door demanding to be let back in but everyone still inside were already leaving the offices. "Who knows what a person would do to a countryhuman?" Germany asked. "No one knows but lets hope it isn't anything evil".


Well this is the end of "Gone" but yeah, no pictures yet. And I plan on changing the name and cover soon so yeah.

All of this contains

Words: 1200

Previews: I forgot

Published May 30th

Another short chapter yay


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