Broken Glass

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-Third Person-

The moon shined against the glass window. The window displayed empty mannequins if you could see behind the foggy clear curtains. The store used to be a clothing store until it closed long ago. But no one ever knew during the store's operation that a secret warehouse was under it. Until 3 people stumbled upon it.

News of the discovery never made it to the public but some hands got the news and took it for a good idea, A idea to get what was considered valuable. To take and take hostage a special type of life that was different than normal people.

"Dammit, why is it locked?" A mysterious figure attempted to open the door of the abandoned store. "Who was the last one to even get the key?" Another mysterious figure had asked. A group of 6 figures were at the outdoor entrance of the store. 2 held Latvia by the wrist. "Wasn't it Andrei?" The mysterious figure pointed at another. "I left it inside alright? No one told me about the plan about kidnapping a countryhuman!" One mysterious figure shined a light against the door. "Micha! What are you doing!? There are patrols and people roaming the city still!"

Micha looked at Andrei. "I'm putting the light so it would be faster you know, The sedative won't last long"

"Shut up"

"No you shut up"

"You're the one that's shining a light for us to get caught"

"And you're the one that led me to do that".

"You both shut up" Micha and Andrei looked at the superior. "Sorry Ulli , We got carried off". The mysterious figure got a rock out and threw it at the glass door. The glass shattered on impact. The team backed up to stay clear of the glass shards. "Quick, Get him inside and into the warehouse. Osip and Arc will guard the entrance got it?". Everyone nodded.

Swiftly and quietly, The 2 dragging Latvia got help from everyone other than Osip and Arc. Everyone carefully made it over the door to not drag any glass shards with them. down in the underground warehouse. They found a lobby with no windows beforehand and placed Latvia inside of the lobby and locked the new door. The new metal door.

"Let's hope no one heard the glass breaking, Now we have to board up the broken entrance. But to their dismay, 2 people who took a stroll have heard them, 2 countries.

-Russia's POV-

Lithuania keeps on bothering me, Maybe I shouldn't have been convinced to join the police force and just disagree. "Russia! Are you even listening to me!?". I turned around and saw Lithuania with her hands on her hips. "Fine, I'll listen". "Good, Now take me to the police station". I stared at Lithuania for a while. "What do you even need to go to the police station for anyway? What? To file a complaint? That sounds like you". Lithuania sighed and walked away. I shrugged it off and went about my day.

I saw Ame at the diner by New Zealand and Canada. That's when I got a good idea. I stepped near the glass window and tapped on it 4 times. Canada looked behind as I could see. He got up and must've excused himself from whatever type of conversation they were having.

"You're lucky when America brought his kids that I told Alaska to not tell America about the 4 taps on walls thing" Canada told me when he got out. "It isn't my fault Alaska noticed first". "Heck, he almost told Alabama who would've told everyone and then we'd looked like we were dating".

"Alaska told me" Me and Canada turned to see New Zealand. To my misfortune, Ame was behind him. "Is this some sort of secret dating message system?". "So what? Its not like it's my fault you were met with those god awful artwork of us together in weird poses". New Zealand took Ame and shoved him back into the diner making him fall onto the tile floor.

"Hey New Zealand? Can we talk in private about what I saw when i took a stroll to cool off?".

-Latvia's POV-

I woke up. "What the hell?" I told myself. When I got up, I could barely see anything at all. I wandered around the room trying to find a light switch but I had no progress of even finding one. The walls felt dusty and the air wasn't any better. Whoever kidnapped me should've stopped and think that I could get sick inside of whatever I'm in.

"Hello? Is anyone there?" I called out. I could barely make out whoever was out there was saying until a clear sentence came up. "You finally woke up from the sedative? Took you long enough". I stayed silent. Whoever this was must've been someone trying to seek power by kidnapping me and taking me hostage. 

"Don't worry we won't harm you, but only 9 people know where we are anyway. You see, You're in a abandoned store. One with a secret warehouse that 3 people discovered and then that information got into my group's hands. Its a wonder how no one else found out. This warehouse is basically our headquarters"

"Whatever you want, you won't get alright?". I waited for a response but there was none. I waited for hours until someone spoke to me. "Don't worry, we'll get someone that'll give us what we want if you won't". Then silence entered. I hate it here. I checked for an escape but there was nothing.

I just sat until I felt a glass cup on the floor. It was dusty but still intact. and now I have my idea.

I waited for a feeling that someone was out there for me to act out my plan. I threw the glass cup on the floor waiting for someone to check it out. And someone did! I felt the door and stood beside it. "What is it now? What are you trying to dig out of here?" The person said as they opened the door.

I shoved the person aside and ran out of the room. "Hey! Come back here right now!".

If only the door to the street wasn't closed maybe this would have no blood but it was boarded up. I could see it was night meaning there would be few people to run to but at least I can find my way easily.

I began plying the nails off of the board 'till the person came up to me. "Let go of me!" I yelled while the person got hold of me. I grabbed a nail from the floor and I don't even want to know where i stabbed the person but they let go of me and screamed.

I can't waste time hearing the screams of the person so I just threw myself against the boards which broke. So much for old ply wood. I recognized the diner in front of me.

-Canada's POV-

New Zealand asked me to help him clean up the diner. "You go clean that private room, There was a huge dinner party there. I'm sure you can clean it up though" that's what he said, But this private room was a pigs pen.

There was plastic cups on the ground, Cake splattered on the floor, wall, chairs and table. Jelly was everywhere. It made me wonder if there was a food fight here. It took so much for me to even clean all of this up. I lost track of time anyway but it's not like I had any plans for the night.

I swept the room one last time, It looked way different now that it was cleaned. I praised myself and left the broom there and turned the light switch off. I took off the hat and apron New Zealand gave me.

I was going to leave till the back door busted open. I turned to see who busted in. "Canada!". Latvia ran up to me. "Get me out of here!"


End of chapter 4 I guess, I still haven't got the problem i got resolved to produce pictures but hey, I'm ready to write as hell once break hits and maybe then the problem will be resolved and i can do my plans. Anyway all of this contains

Words: 1416

But dont lose hope for pictures,

But hey if you are reading this as "Investigation Life" You may be one of the people who first read it :D That is because i'm changing the cover and title once the problem is solved but hope you didn't hate it. Also a new story might come

Published June 1st


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