Late Night and Early morning

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Estonia closed the door and walked to Germany.

"It's weird you act like a kid when your work is nothing a kid should do" Estonia pulled her coat on and walked ahead of Germany.

"Well? Is it because of my toy automobile collection?" Germany asked while starting to speed up a bit. Estonia looked behind and she was still ahead of Germany. "Not even your people act like a kid when they are grown"

Germany slowed down and stared at something. It took a while for Estonia to notice Germany wasn't following her. "Germany? Don't tell me US is here". Estonia turned around and walked towards Germany and turned towards where he was staring at.

"Looks like Germany is interested in my new car right?" United had his right hand on top of the yellow sports car that was shining from the street lights. "Cool, But I have to get Germany to his apartment". By the time Estonia was reaching for Germany's hand, He wasn't standing beside her but standing beside United asking him all sorts of questions while touching the car. He was practically talking like he was running an auction.

Estonia walked over and took Germany by the hand and dragged him from United and his yellow shining sports car. "We don't have time to gawk at new cars Germany, It's midnight and you need rest". Germany kept looking back at United and his yellow sports car.

Suddenly, South Korea appeared, scaring the living hell out of Estonia and Germany. "Ah! What the hell South Korea!?" South Korea just stood there and handed Estonia a bag. "Send this to Lithuania, It's a bag of the stuff she asked for". Germany asked what was in the bag. "Nothing much, She just wanted some old garments". And just like that, South Korea walked away without having another word and not even apologizing for how they almost killed Estonia and Germany with fear in the middle of the night, Germany was about to run after South Korea but Estonia told him to let it go.

Estonia dropped Germany off and walked toward her apartment. Lithuania opened the door before Estonia even knocked. " Package?" Lithuania reached their hand out towards the bag. "Oh right" Estonia handed the bag to Lithuania and they opened the door more so that Estonia could get in.

"What did you ask South Korea for anyway?" Estonia tried to peek in Lithuania's bag but Lithuania hit Estonia on the back of her head. "Geez, What are you so curious for? It's just some nick-nacks alright?". Lithuania went to their room and placed the bag down gently.

Estonia had to shrug it off and go back into her shared room with Latvia. Estonia turned the knob but the door didn't open. "Latvia! Stop locking the door!" Estonia turned the knob clockwise and counterclockwise trying to open the door.

"I need sleep as well!" Estonia yelled. Lithuania opened her door and peeked her head out. "Latvia is probably in a deep sleep, now please shut up". Lithuania then slammed her door shut and turned off the light. "So now it's my job to turn off all the lights and sleep in the living room"

While Estonia was turning off all the lights. Click.

Something was unlocked. Estonia peered at the door. No more sound. "Who's there?".

Out of nowhere, a door in the apartment started to open. A fake creaking noise from someone. Estonia was just beginning to figure out who it was when a familiar voice. "Boo".

Estonia turned around and shrieked then slapped the person behind her. "Ow! Estonia! Don't hit me like that!" Latvia put his hand over where Estonia had slapped him. "Well if you didn't decide to scare me like that then maybe you wouldn't be looking like that" Estonia pointed to his hand covering the slap mark.

"I'm just getting up to sneak to the nearest 24/7 store to get something to eat" Latvia took his jacket and went out the door. "At least close the door!" Estonia slammed the door. She walked to her shared room with Latvia and shut the door. Estonia then collapsed on her bed and fell asleep.

Germany sat on his chair. laying his head on his desk. A cold case, one that popped up 6 years ago. Austria came into his room. "Oh come on Germany, Must you always focus on these cold cases? Stop being so pressuring on yourself" Austria dragged Germany out of his room and came back in to grab the papers to put them in a file.

"Well? I like to do challenges" Germany responded. Austria stared at Germany. "You do know that you got fired twice right?". Austria sighs and throws a pillow at Germany's face. "Go to sleep, We'll decide what to do tomorrow". Austria leaves Germany in the living room. "Also tell Denmark I said hi".

Next Morning

Germany woke up, He blinked slowly as he was adjusting to the light. "5 more minutes" Germany mumbled. "5 more minutes? I've been standing here for 2 hours Germany". Germany arose from the couch (He was sleeping on the couch because he wasn't allowed back in his room by Austria). Germany rubbed his eyes and looked at the person in front of him. "You have work and my daily report on both mental and physical health on you" Denmark leaned on the front doorway.

"So you just broke into my house for a report on my mental and physical health? At least knock or something" Germany stretched for a bit before sitting up straight. "I've been knocking for 30 minutes alright? You never woke up to come to the door" Denmark stopped leaning on the doorway and came towards Germany. "Give me your hand"

Germany reached out his hand thinking it was just going to be a pulse check. Denmark grabbed Germany's wrist and yanked him off the couch, Making Germany nearly fall face-first on the coffee table. "Jeez! Denmark at least be a little gentle!?". "Can't do that sir, You're like 2 hours late. I'll do the health check when you go out of work alright?" Denmark walked to Germany's room while Germany rubbed his eyes again and got up.

"At least give me time to make some coffee" Germany reached for the cupboard where all his coffee mugs were when Denmark walked out of his room and threw a toy car on the floor nearly breaking it. "Schieße! Denmark what the hell!?" Germany ran towards Denmark and shoved him away from the toy car on the ground. "That's my first one!".

Denmark calmed down, "This might take a toll but it's broken" Denmark took his hand out and showed that a wheel from the toy car broke. The wheel was on Denmark's hand. Germany stared at it for a long time. "It was a gift, It's old and fragile. And you decide to take it out of my room and throw it on the ground!? Couldn't you have thought of another idea than breaking this one!?". Denmark picked up the toy car. "Look, I'm sorry for breaking this and I can just go and get this fixed with some glue". Germany sighed harshly and went to his room to get ready. He grabbed the case file he was working on. Denmark peeked in while Germany was getting out.

"Do you forgive me?" Denmark asked, Germany looked at Denmark and shoved him out of his way. He pulled on his jacket and headed for the police station.


Well this is shorter than the last one and no pictures yet but it'll come soon once I figure out a solution to a problem and all of this contains


I might change the style so i can do it more efficently and now I'm introducing character POV's in between 3rd person POV's so yeah. Hope you read it nicely but if you don't like it then I can't really do anything about it

Published May 29th


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