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-Canada's POV-

After I brought Latvia to the police station I can't help but wonder why Latvia was ranting about the abandoned store in front of the diner. No one has been there, The door is boarded up, the windows are foggy, and no one has been inside since it closed.

Entering the dear old home, New Zealand greeted me. How weird, No one usually greets the other when they return as we just continue what we do. I spotted Ame quickly taking out 2 trash bags with Aussie. "So how was it cleaning the private room" New Zealand asked me.

"Just so you know, it wasn't what I expected. Also was there a food fight?" New Zealand shrugged and went to the kitchen. Aussie and Ame ran back in before running to the living room. Aussie jumped and landed on the couch and Ame did the same.

Probably trying to make me think they were always there. "I'm heading to my room" I slightly waved before going to the stairs. Not even one step and Aussie already gave me a clue to the 2 trash bags. 

"Hey United, Do you think he will thank us for cleaning his room?". I stopped at that point, Looked back and ran up the stairs and busted into my own room. Without my consent they had cleaned up everything, And took all the notes.

"What the hell!?" I looked everywhere but there was nothing left. New Zealand came in. "Nada, We cleaned it up while you were cleaning the private room at the diner". It was hard not to mention it was wrong. Noting that the notes were probably in the trash by now.

Ame and Aussie came. "Hey chill out dude, We just cleared up your room as it looked like a hot mess with all the notes hanging around". "Well what do you know about my room? I never gave consent for any of you to clear it up!".

New Zealand backed up from me, Probably trying to get away from what happened last time. "What is this?" I simply asked. Silence in my own room. Ame, New Zealand and Aussie looked at each other. "Just leave me and my stuff alone" I said as I walked out to get the notes back.

-Kazakhstan's POV-

I laid back trying to ignore Lithuania's rant of how worried she was for Latvia. Makes me wonder how sibilings work even for my own set of sibilings. I sat up straight, "Do you both need an escort back home or do you want to sleep in the police station?". "I'm sorry Kazakh but I cant leave because Lithuania won't let me go!". "I was worried sick! You can't expect to go after curfew without consquences!". I got up and seprated the two. "I asked you two if you need an escort or you can go by yourself but you can't stay here."

"I'm choosing the escort, I don't want to see what happens if I get kidnapped a 2nd time by the same people". I got up and fixed my hat up. "Then lets get going". I dragged Latvia while Lithuania stayed behind me. "Can you let go of me? I can walk". As soon as I let go of Latvia i heard a thump and looked back.

I expected that Latvia had fallen but he didn't. He was standing. Lithuania and Latvia looked back as well. There was a bad feeling floating around. It became silent, Silent enough that you could hear the leaves of the trees on the side walks rustled with the wind. 

The only thing that illuminated the streets were the light posts but they were too far from each other to even light the place to be able to see clearly. I took out a flashlight i had forgotten i had and turned it on. I had the sense that someone was watching us. Seems like Lithuania had the same feeling. "Whos there?" Lithuania asked.

A person appeared. "Listen, Give us back Latvia or we'll do this the hard way and take everyone here". "There is no way I'll go back to that place" I got in front of Latvia and Lithuania. "On the count of 3, We will all make a run for it alright?" I whispered. Latvia and Lithuania nodded.


"Two" Latvia said not even waiting for me

"Thr-", "Three!" Lithuania cut me off but I didn't waste time to report it, I grabbed Latvia's wrist and ran, I couldn't use my wings to fly. It would be too risky but faster however I'm not the type to do risks so instead I adjusted them to make me run even faster hoping that Latvia wasn't letting himself drag.

Turns out doing that was also a risky situation as there was several gunshots. Lithuania managed to move to the left just in time before a bullet would've hit her. I'm guessing these people knew what was going on and realized I was leading the way.

I heard a gunshot before the bullet hit one of my wings. "Ack!" I let go of Latvia before checking the wound I had. It had gone through leaving a red hole. "Should've known it could've been a target" Several other gunshots followed. Even if one of my wings were injured i had to keep running.

Going fast with my wings was risky, I couldn't do zigzags or even move because even a simple change of direction could throw me off track so i decided on the riskier decision. I prepared my wings and took Lithuania and Latvia by the wrists and took off.

My left wing that was hit felt like it was burning because of the wound but i had to get all of us to safety so i didnt care about the pain. Hopefully they had left us alone by now.

-Third person POV-

Kazakhstan and the 2 landed on top on the apartments. "Did we loose them?" Latvia asked. Kazakhstan and Lithuania shrugged. Latvia looked at Kazakhstan's wing, A red dot with dripping blood in a gold laced wing.

"Kazakhstan, Are you fine?" Latvia asked. "Don't worry about me, I just gotta go back to the station", Lithuania scoffed. "It's dangerous, They know you have wings and they'll probably look around at the sky". Kazakhstan stared off into the distance, Making Latvia and Lithuania stare at the same direction. "Kazakh, Theres nothing there-" Lithuania turned around and saw Kazakhstan had already went away.


And I know i drifted and now I got anxious that the problem here is actually similar to another story on wattpad with countryhumans and its one I just read and got intrigued so thats a loss on my confidence but i'm still going to work on Risk and Stolen Life Danger once i get ideas for it.


words (minus this part) : 1064

June 27th


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