Mari when?

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Wind blows

Through the drowsy air that is all around, A wind strong enough to blow posters away from where it was placed. Ripped from the paste holding it still. One particular poster, One that was recently made. The missing poster of Mari Woods

Knock, Knock

South Korea looked through the tiny window to see who was knocking. "Oh come on United", South Korea looked at the closest clock. "And you had to wake me up at 5 AM". United scoffed, "You never told me you woke up later!". " That's why no one likes you".

Dead silence

South Korea sighed, "Great, Now go on about what you were going to tell me". United grabbed a folded poster from his jacket pocket and handed it to South Korea. "What's this?". "We got a case to do, So wake up and get going with me!". United threw South Korea's hat in his face. "You also forgot this at the station". South Korea picked the hat up. "Alright, Alright, Just let me get ready". United scoffed once again. "Get ready? We don't even have any dress code or uniform, Ever saw Germany? He slept too darn late that he just came in with pajamas and not his everyday formal clothing!"

"Just hand me the case file and let's be done with it".

"I already gave you the case file", South Korea looked down and saw the case file on the ground. "Guess I forgot about it and dropped it". United grabbed South Korea by the arm and pulled him out of his apartment. "Hey! At least let me lock my door!"

United's office is a bit messy

South Korea cleared old papers and useless pieces of trash from United's desk. "So, Mari Woods right?". United nodded. "That's right, She was reported missing 2 weeks ago". South Korea looked over all the notes. "Location of where she was last seen?". It goes silent. "No one knows, all witnesses saw her at different locations near the same time but the most recent was at the diner nearby with her twin sister". "I swear if it turns out her twin sister made her missing, I'll just go back home and cringe myself to sleep also, If it's the most recent one then that's when she was last seen, dummy".

"Okay first of all you don't call me a dummy, Second of all, You might be right". South Korea snickered a bit but returned to the case file afterward.

South Korea took out the photos and profiles of the suspects. "Alright which one is the prime suspect", "Her sister, Mikalyna"

South Korea stared at United then sighed later on. "Her profile states that she is 15, with Brown hair and blue eyes, 5'2 in height, and is the twin sister of Mari and invited her to eat at the diner the day she disappeared, Her parents accounted that she had a rivalry against her sister for being the most beautiful twin even though they are identical twins". 

United paused and handed the second profile to South Korea. "Do I have to read this?" United scoffed. "Of course you do".

"Mrs. Averji, Full name Darja Leili Averji, is A wife with brown hair and brown eyes, 5'4 in height, and is the widow of Eric Woods Reigo Averji. Mrs, Averji is the daughter-in-law of Mikalyna's and Mari's parents, Anzhela Marta Woods and Margus Reigo Woods. Her occupation is a tailor and she was also reported missing the same day that Mari disappeared. That day, Mrs. Averji invited Mari over to have tea and tailor her clothes. May 5th was when Mrs. Averji was last seen"

"Well that's long" United took the third page.

"Well, I think we have to find Mrs. Averji and interrogate her" South Korea took his jacket and fled out the door. "Hey! Wait for me!"

Knock, Knock

Mr. Averji opened the door. "You have any news about my wife?" he asked. "Sorry sir but we don't have news about your missing wife, We just need to know where we can find her so we can interrogate her".

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