Household Chaos

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-Laos' POV-

Kazakhstan came in and had me close and bandage the wound up, "How did this happen?". "Oh you know, Escorting a kidnapped person and their kidnappers going after all of us. I did not know they had guns". I facepalmed. "Kidnappers always have something to threaten people you know right?

"I guess you're right Laos". I got out rope and tied up Kazakh's left-wing tightly close to him in its closed form. "Hey! What are you doing?". Kazakhstan yelled. "It's so you don't move it, You not moving your wing that was wounded is crucial to the recovery you know"

Kazakhstan groaned at me. "I'll get North Korea" . "Wait what? I did nothing!" I chuckled, North Korea always scared a lot of countries but that isn't always good as he really does pose as a actual threat to others.

"So, How's Russia at his job?". "Bad, He snoozed in again and got into a fight with Ame again" I sighed. "Why did you convince Russia into being a police man anyway?". "I was getting annoyed that he was there when I come back home and frustrates me so I guess i got the mad idea of making him do late shift hours so I could at least get some moments away from him"

Thailand busted through the door. "Laos! I think I broke Malaysia's leg again!". I groaned while Kazakhstan looked at me with a smirk smile. "Did Malaysia challenge you to a fight again?" And there Thailand goes nodding his head a thousand times.

I followed Thailand into the room with Malaysia chilling in the corner with a dislocated leg. I facepalmed. "Just why Malaysia do you challenge Thailand into another fight"

"Well it was his fault! Being all cocky and stuff". "Shut the hell up Malaysia! I only got cocky because I kept winning against your weak-" I split them up as they were ganging on each other. "There is no need for this alright? Thailand I suggest you go wait outside when i pop Malay's leg back up"

-Singapore's POV-

I smelt smoke, And then the smoke detector went off hurting my ears. No one in the house was sleeping so everyone went to find the source of the smoke. "I burnt the food on accident!!!" Indonesia ran around in circles trying to figure out what to do.

Thailand facepalmed causing a chain reaction of everyone in the house facepalming. Philippine ran in with a fire extinguisher over her head and threw it at the fire. "What the hell!? That's not how it works, Do you even have braincells philly!?". Philippine looked around the room with a death glare trying to find who said that.

Everyone looked at Philly until Cambodia groaned and took the extinguisher and put out the fire with it. I pushed Philly aside to make the mood in the room lighten a little. "So where's Malaysia and Laos?". Thailand cleared his throat. "I broke Malaysia's leg and had Laos take care of it" and who was probably Laos who heard it somehow yelled from another room. "Its dislocated not broken!"

"Alright, The fire is over and the smoke will go away soon so just get back to what you were doing before the fire" I put myself in the middle of the kitchen and faced everyone who was there. Soon one by one, Everyone left.

I sighed as i left the kitchen. I just came into my room when someone knocked on the door. "I'll get it!" Laos yelled out. "Not before me!" Someone else said. Soon there was 3 running footsteps. 3? I don't recall 3 people saying they would get the door.

It shouldn't be a problem since it's always been like this. This was always a time we wanted to open the door even if it was just a delivery (which is worse since someone could see or steal what you ordered)

Arguing could be heard until the door was opened, soon it was quiet, Unusual as there would've been at least some commotion even when the door was opened. I couldn't decide whether I should check on them or not. Was it a prank? Was it already settled?

I decided I would go check on them. I got up from my chair and headed out the room for the stairs. It shouldn't be hard since the door was in front of the stairs. As I reached the stairs however. The door was open but there was no one. I checked outside where i saw a glimpse of a van before it speed through.

I closed the door, Thinking what that meant. Where was Laos and those other 2? Was it really a trick? Or maybe something bad happened to them. Indonesia walked up to me "Oh hey Singapore, Did you also come to check?". I nodded, Being relieved that there would be someone else to back me up if I found evidence that something bad happened.

"Laos and 2 others just disappeared like that". Indonesia gestured for me to go tell the others. I went through each room telling everyone about what happened and to gather in the living room. I was the last one to go to the living room. It was silent until Vietnam spoke.

"So, let me guess. We're here to see who disappeared and figure out something right?"

My attention turned to Cambodia when he started mumbling. The look on his face, widened eyes. He must've been the 3rd one. "Cambodia, What did you see?". "Some people ran in and hurt Laos then took Thailand and Laos when Thailand opened the door". There was holes in Cambodia's statement, How did Laos or Thailand or even Cambodia not scream? Or move?

"Why did it go silent then?" Malaysia asked.

Cambodia didn't respond and hid his face. Did he have something to do with it? No, That wouldn't be right. What would even be his reason? Where they knocked out before? No, How would they hurt Laos for no reason when he was knocked out and how would Cambodia witness it?

"I'll go try to find them, Kaz will report it if I don't find them" Brunei looked at Kazakhstan who nodded. "Alright then, And the rest of us have to figure out what happened to them"


Never expected to finish this on July 4th but yeah. Anyway the next chapter release date may depend on whether if my motivation lets me or it decides to decay while I'm writing it so sorry for that but it will still come. And if there was any mistakes I've done please forgive me as this is my first story and I'm still learning.


Words (Not including this) : 1030

July 4th


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 05, 2023 ⏰

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