4. the history

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According to Google, 

"a select group that is superior in terms of ability or qualities to the rest of a group or society"

Ananta was run by only the Elites and their heirs

Not just run, but founded by them too

The first family, 

the Royals

the raghuvanshis who conquered this land,

the rulers

and the raichands, 

the Mafia

the one who protected and enforced laws on this land,

the protectors

These two families were at the very top of the pyramid. To cut it short, they were Elites in the Elites themselves.

They ruled and protected all the sectors in the country of Ananta.

2 down, 5 to go

Now in a country there isn't just a ruler and a protector with power, there are people other than that who provide services and run major operations.

In Ananta, everything was a monopoly. One sector was completely owned by one company. No competition and no threats nationally.

Globally, well that is a story for another day.

A very important part of any country is it's healthcare. In Ananta, the medical system was run by the reddys.

Radhika Reddy, who was married to Shivaay Raichand and the pioneer to the medical industry in Ananta. She held multiple degrees in medicine.

She began Reddy Hospitals, now a global name that represented the top professionals in the industry.

Currently, Reddy Hospitals was being managed by Ishaan and Ishita Reddy. Ishaan being the nephew to Radhika, yet the relationship they shared was more of a mother-son one. Ishaan himself was a medical prodigy like his aunt.

Inventing cures for diseases that killed many, he was a big believer in never giving up. His wife, Ishita Reddy was a renowned doctor herself and the COO of the Reddy Hospitals, while her husband was the CEO after Radhika had resigned and taken up the position of Chairman.

Not only that, their oldest son, Devaan Reddy had also broken all records at 24 and achieved the feat of being the youngest MD Reddy Hospitals had ever seen. Resilience was the biggest strength of the reddy. It was a trait that all reddys indefinitely had.

The next family was the roys, the one with words and wisdom of all areas. Anand and Mira Roy who were best friends of Shivaay, Radhika, Devyani and Karanveer. Also parents to Ansh and Anamika Roy, who was married to Rudra, Shivaay's son.

Hence, the roys were the maternal house of the raichand siblings. The roys controlled almost all sections of media. News, geological information. Anything and everything. Though they didn't step out of Ananta, their curiosity and sources gave them valuable information globally.

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