An Accident.

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In the Living Room of House of Lamentation, Devildom..

You can see Lucifer and Satan fighting again..

Lucifer: "Honestly, I'm tired with you and your behaviour like this."

Satan: "So, what? Just because I was a part of you, doesn't mean you can do anything about it!"

Lucifer: chuckles "Indeed, you were a part of me. But you've forgotten one thing, Satan, you are nothing without me."

Satan: "Wh.. You!"

Satan's rage increases after Lucifer says those words.. While Lucifer smirks and raises his eyebrow to mocking him

Mammon: "Ugh, they need to keep it down for a lil, like. Why ya even bother doing this everyday?"

Leviathan: "Ever since MC left, they kept fighting and fighting like father and son loll"

Mammon: "For real.. They need to chill down"


Meanwhile, in the Human World.. MC is minding their own business.
It's been so long ever since MC stays in the Human World, and they're wondering how are the brothers are doing.

"Hmm.. It won't hurt to pay them a little visit, right?" Think MC

"Alright, here goes nothing" MC casts a teleportation spell and a portal appears. For a moment MC was a bit worried and afraid for no reason, but they brush it off.


Leviathan: "Wh-huh? Why do I suddenly feel sad for no reason?"

Mammon: "Yeah.. Me too. Eh, probably nothing."

Mammon notices something spiraling on the ceiling, right on top of Satan when he's about to attack. It goes bigger and bigger, and later then he realised what it was.

Mammon: "SATAN! WATCH OU-"

Satan's tail swings fast preparing to aim for Lucifer. And when he's about to attack..


It's feels like a flash of light for a moment. And before he realised anything, Satan sees MC's body in his tail. He slowly put the body on the ground then froze. "...MC?"

Mammon immediately run towards MC's body and hold it, while Leviathan just stands there in shock

Lucifer: "....."
Mammon: "MC, WAKE UP, DAMMIT!"

Satan runs off upstairs and straight to his room. "What.. Did I do..?"


Lucifer: ".... Levi, contact Diavolo and tell him to come here ASAP."

Leviathan: "Uh-.. Oh! O-on it!" Leviathan leaves the room and goes to the Demon King's Castle as fast as he could

Not long after Leviathan left, Asmodeus, Beelzebub and Belphegor comes to the room

Asmodeus: "I see Satan's running to his room earlier, what happened?"

Beelzebub: "Yeah.. And I think I hear him crying in his room"

Belphegor: "And what's with the commotions in he-... Is that MC..?"

Both Asmodeus and Beelzebub's eyes went wide after Belphegor points at MC's pale body

Asmodeus: "Mammon! What did you just did to MC?!"

Mammon: "What?! You think I DID this?!"

Asmodeus: "Well, yeah! You're the one who's holding MC's body right now!"

Mammon: "I would NEVER hurt MC!" Mammon is in the verge of crying, his voice is trembling when he speaks.

Beelzebub: "..Is this why Satan was running?"

Belphegor: ".... No.. I don't know... I-I.." Belphegor is shaking.. This reminds him of something.. Some sort of Deja Vu.

Beelzebub can tell his twin is shaking, and is trying his best to calm him down. "It's okay, Belphie. Everything's going to be okay." "I hope.."

Lucifer's also trying his best to stay calm and act serious. He can't believe this just happened, this fast. He shouldn't teases Satan like that, not if he knew MC's going to come. "This.. Is my fault.." He kept repeating in his head, over and over again. "..Please come faster, Diavolo."

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