One or Another.

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"Long time no see."

Simeon widened his eyes as he saw the person standing infront of him.

"Solomon? Ah yes, long time no see. Came for a cup of coffee?" He greeted

"I'd love to, but I'm afraid I have other important matter to talk. And I'm hoping you could help me up with it."

Simeon is confused, but his face became serious. Luke came out from the kitchen and froze as he sees Solomon

"Ah, I see that Luke is also here, that saved me some time of explaining. I would be glad if you'll help me too"

"A help?" Luke tilted his head. He's curious, and also a bit worried of what could Solomon needed his help for.

"To make things a bit comfortable, why don't we sit on the tables first?" Simeon cuts Solomon off when he's just about to open his mouth to speak.

Simeon pointed at a table of four, and leading Solomon and Luke to it. Simeon then re-open the conversation again

"So, what's this important matter you need to talk about?"

"MC is dead." Solomon goes straight to the point, making both Luke and Simeon dropped their Jaws.

"WHAT?!" Luke shrieked. Simeon is just trying to stay as calm as possible.

"Wh- but- how?! It must be one of the demon's doings!" Luke immediately accuse and rambles about the demons in the Devildom, especially the 7 Brothers because they are relatively the closest group of demons MC associated with

"Luke." Simeon stops him and shook his head slowly

"But, Simeon-!"

"He haven't explained the reason of it, Luke. We can't instantly blame the brithers for something we don't know yet." Simeon sighed. Luke felt bad and frowned.


"It's alright, Luke. Now, can you tell us what happened, Solomon?" Simeon turned to Solomon as he speaks

"Ah. I for myself, don't really know how to explained it. I got a call from Asmodeus saying MC's dead, and, I instantly ran to Thirteen's cave in hope to save their candle, but it disappeared before I could reach it.."

"Disappeared, huh..?" Simeon's holding his chin, thinking. He's still trying to believe the situation, but it feels unbelievable for MC suddenly died like that.

"Yeah. Though, she mentioned this had happened before, right on the day when the Celestial War happened and ended." Solomon explained further.

Simeon widened his eyes. A candle had disappeared at the day of Celestial War? He remembered it very well. Many angels had fallen on that day, but why is only a candle disappeared..?

"Celestial War? Wasn't it the day when the brothers fell to Devildom?" Asks Luke to Simeon.

Then, it hits him. "Luke.. You are right."

"Huh?-" Luke tilted his head confused

The day of the Celestial War was the day when the 6 former angels had fallen. The day when a 4th born demon had arrived. The day of the 8th star had faded..- That's it.

"..I think I might know who the candle belong to." Simeon said in serious tone.


"Please.. Someone.. Help us." A girl's voice is echoing through.

In the endless space, there's two person in the middle of nowhere. One's a girl, and one's a.. an indeed person.

"Just let us out from here, please"

The other person is trembling, unable to say anything, and hugging the girl in afraid.

"It'll be okay, soon. You'll be okay." She said slowly caressing their head.

Suddenly, a portal appeared. It's the.. man again. Walking in with a smirk.

"My, what do we got here?"

The girl scoffed and rolled her eyes. "What do you want again? Do you not seen enough of pain and suffering? Do uou not have enough of your 'fun'?" She glared.

"Hm.. Actually, I do have an amazing news regarding that." He smirked at her.

The girl doesn't believed him. She kept glaring cold at him. He laughed seeing the girl's reaction

"Seems like you couldn't put trusts on me. Well, I'll tell you that they're getting closer."

"What?" They're coming closer..? Who are they, could it be..?

"You heard it well. They'll come to save not only that person behind there, but also saving you." He smiled at her.

Saving her? So.. that means they're finally free from all of this? But, wait.. She doesn't fully believe him still. There must be a twist on this, knowing the madman standing infront of her. He wouldn't want to give up easily, not without anything 'fun' to him.

"Still not believing me? Alright." A portal had appeared, and he slowly walking to it. "Although, even if they wanted to save both of you, there will be one or another to stay. Things won't be good for this 'world' if both of your presence are there, and that might ruined all and any of the 'worlds' connected to it. Choose well." He waved before stepping in the portal, and the portal closed immediately.

"Ruining the 'worlds'.. from both of our presence..? So.. we'll never be able to see each other again, then?" She thought on herself. She's not surprised of this.

Is this because.. This person.. is a descendant of her..?

If she choose both of them, they'll be the one to.. extinct.

She's been through this.. multiple times. Where she needs to choose between her, or them. Oh, how much times that she's been aching to save both of them, but he's right. One or another, someone needs to stay.

She knon ews who to choose. There's no other ways of this.. She'll just need to wait until the time to come.


Author's note:

Hope you enjoy this one, It's pretty obvious I rushed this one, because it's been on draft for 3 months because I've frantically forget about this, again :))

I apologized for the wait, hope you'll stay tuned for the next one! Psst... a bit disclaimer, the next part is not the end of the story, yet. So don't worry :)

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Oct 10, 2023 ⏰

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