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In the Demon Lord's Castle...

Diavolo and Barbatos has arrived on the Castle's hall.

Diavolo: "Barbatos, are you sure we don't have any way to help them?"

Barbatos: "..Precisely, My Lord."

Diavolo sighed and stare at the floor. He's sad and having a bit of regret for not coming to save MC earlier. It's pretty obvious on his face. "...Alright. I'll go ahead to my bedroom."

Barbatos: "Would you like me to accompany you, my Lord?"

Diavolo: "..No, no thank you Barbatos. It's fine. And, please, if anybody is searching for me, tell them that I'm.. not avaliable right now."

Barbatos: "...Understood."

Barbatos is standing while looking at Diavolo's walking off. To be utterly honest, he'd never see Diavolo in this kind of state, not after the Demon King fall into deep slumber. It's not a lie if he doesn't know that this was coming. It surprised him, and also saddened him somehow. He never get to know MC better as he kept distancing himself from them, but.. Why does it also hurt to see? Why does this event has an impact on him in some way?

He would do anything to help Diavolo. After all, he is the devoted butler of Diavolo. He knows he can do something to help him and the brothers in this. He has an idea in his head, and he knows that he need to make it works well for the sake of them.

He walks over to his room and locked it. There's a lot of doors inside, some are spiraling, some are floating, and some are staying still. "..." He walks towards one of the door. Stares at it before taking a deep breath. "..Time to meet with you again." . He takes a step in and enter the door.


"Moshi moshi, this is Solomon" Solomon answered the phone call

"Hey, Solomon.."

"Asmo? What happened? You sounds like you were crying just now."

"MC.. They-"

Solomon hangs up the call before Asmodeus even have the chance to explain.

"What the hell, Solomon!" He says while calling Solomon aggressively again and again

" sighs Moshi moshi, this is Solomon"

"Solomon! Why did you hang up?! I haven't even told anything to you!" Asmodeus looks angry and a bit screaming on his phone

"Ah, I'm sorry Asmo. Once I heard MC's name, I was afraid something bad happened to them. I've been getting funny feelings lately.. and I kept thinking about them. So, I'm sorry."

"......" Asmodeus stays silence for a moment.. Yes, he is very sad that MC's gone now, but.. He's also jealous by how close MC and Solomon are..

"So.. Please continue. What'd happened to MC?"

"They're.. dead.."

"........." Solomon hangs up the phone again. This time, Asmodeus isn't trying to call him again whatsoever. After all, these mixed feelings of jealousy and sadness is running through his mind. Why is he even jealous by this? He knows his one and true love is MC, but..


After hearing those words, Solomon hangs up the call again. He could not believe it. No, it's impossible for him to believe it, ever. He knows his apprentice better than anyone, and he know that they won't.. Died that easily. How did MC died, and why he doesn't know anything about this before? How did this happened all of a sudden? He could've swore MC was with him all day in the Human World. Why did MC just left like this all of a sudden? His head is running questions, but he knows he need to do something fast.

He casts a teleportation spell and instantly jumps inside the portal.


In Thirteen's cave..

She's just chilling while watching over the candles, as per usual. Then suddenly, one of the candles turned off.

" sighs Finally. It's been awhile since one of those candles runs off. Let's see who's soul I'll be harvesting."

She walks over the candle. Weird, it was very close to seven other candles. She looks closely to those candles and realizes that they're the Demon brothers candles.

" Wait.. so that's mean, this candle belongs to-"

"Thirteen!" Suddenly someone calls her name from behind

"Huh?! Solomon, why are you here?! Did you not read THOSE NEON SIGNS that i out outside? NO SOLOMON ALLOWED!" Thirteen was completely pissed with her yet again uninvited guest, Solomon

"Thirteen, did one of those candles you have just run out?" Solomon quickly cuts her off while a bit panting from running

"ThIrTeEn, DiD oNe Of ThOsE cAndLeS jUsT rUn OuT?" She mocks him in annoyance. "Although, yeah, this candle had run out like a bit while ago" she points to the said candle

Solomon eyes widened when he sees the candle. Yeah, there was no doubt of it.. It's MC's life candle, and.. It has run out of it's time.. he's standing frozen, trying to hold back tears that slowly escaping from his eyes.

"Huh-?! Are you crying? Oh my, it has been a long time sinc-"

Solomon quickly stares at Thirteen with cold, broken eyes.

"What's up with you?- You know this would bound to happened anytime. Right?" She stops for a moment. "Sure ,they might be your 'adorable little apprentice', but they are still fragile, since they're humans and all."

Solomon stays silence. He understand exactly her point here. They're still humans. Even though he still considers himself as a 'human', it doesn't fit him completely. He had lived many years in his life, maybe reaching decades as of right now. And he has lost a lot of people in the past, but why does this one.. hurt so much?

"Well, are you done? I have some shiny, sparkling soul to harvest." Thirteen walks away from the candles chamber.

"Wait! Don't!" Solomon quickly called out Thirteen

"Ehh? What do you need now?"

"Can you.. not harvest the soul as of right now?"

"Ehh?!" Thirteen stood there, can't believe the words he just stutters.

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