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I CAREFULLY WALKED DOWN the stairs to cook my own dinner.

I took a frozen lasagna out of my refrigerator, and placed it in the microwave and heated it.

I lazily placed my meal on top of the table along with a cup of iced coffee. I placed my phone on a stand, and began to watch episode three of Oshi No Ko.

As a reader of its manga, I can say it's pretty good. I'm beyond satisfied.

After finishing my meal, I got up, washed my used dishes, and went to do my homework.

"Fuck you, Calculus!" I groaned, slamming my notebook hard on the desk.

I did my homework for like, thirty minutes, then, went to lay down my bed.

12:47 A.M.

Was what my wall clock showed. I sighed.

"I wanna be a 16-year-old rich model with huge ass and boobs so bad. It'll be really nice to meet my depressed husbando too. " I said to my self.

" Please, god, let me escape my exam tomorrow. " I prayed. I decided to re-read a few chapters of Oshi No Ko.

I probably fell asleep at around 3:54 A.M.
It was a relief I was still alive with my current sleep schedule, ha, I guess god loves me.


While I was sadly walking towards my university, I was pushed by some random bastard, and a motorcycle came running at me.

' Fuck  . . .' was my last thought before something hard crashed onto me.

I could feel my head pounding so hard, and I couldn't move an inch of my body.

' Am I  . . . dying  . . .? Please, let me enter heaven, lord. ' I prayed, then, blacked out.

I slowly opened my eyes, and I looked around. My surrounding was dim, it looked like I was under the ocean or something.

I saw a figure of a girl, she looked unconscious. I swam towards her, and pulled her.

"Hey!" I spoke, and I was shocked that I could, since, I definitely am under the water.

The girl didn't respond, and I held her hand, pulling her close towards me.

"I'll get you out." I mumbled, then, a blinding light emitted from her.

"What the- ?" I muttered.

The woman opened her eyes, and she smiled, then, it looked like he merged with me.

"What the fuck?!" I yelled, then everything went black again.


Sounds of shutters filled my ears, and my eyes widened.

"Eura-chan, please focus! We know that you want to practice on your acting for your upcoming drama, but please, focus on this photoshoot for now!" a man's voice spoke, and the shutters stopped.

' Eura? Who's that? ' I thought, then, a surge of memories flashed before my eyes. Memories that weren't mine.

I collapsed. And people began to run towards me as an attempt to help me.

They guided me towards an infirmary and allowed me to rest. I simply laid down, not saying a word.

I began to ponder.

' Where am I? '

Interferance | Hoshino Aquamarine x OC/ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now