Chapter 46 - Late

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I WAS WOKEN BY LOUD knocks on the front door, yes, I closed the door of this bedroom, but I could still hear the fucking knocks from the outside.

I lazily stood up, walking towards the door of my bedroom while rubbing my eyes. A long yawn escaped my lips as I twisted the door knob open.

As soon as I got outside of the bedroom, I headed to the front door and looked at the peephole. I saw that it was just Sirius, and I sighed, opening the door for him to enter.

"What?" I asked, pressing my lips into a thin line as I made my annoyance clear.

"It's only 7:12, what's up with your aggressive banging?" I added.

"The director told me to pick you up since you weren't answering his calls. You didn't open the door when I already called, texted, and banged the door four times, so I decided to knock louder. " he shrugged.

" And why is he calling me? As far as I'm concerned, he told me that our meeting was 10:00?" I asked, turning around and inviting him in.

" Well, there was a change of plans. Seems like they had a few problems with the properties we'll be filming in, so they decided to move the meeting to 8:30, so that they could handle everything wrong without delay. " he answered, sitting at the couch.

" Why move it though? " I asked.

" Shouldn't they just do it in the afternoon? " I added.

" Nah, they said they had other plans for the afternoon. So they had to deal with it in the morning. " he answered.

I placed the cup of coffee in front of him, and went back to the kitchen.

"I'll cook some breakfast after I shower, you want some?" I asked.

"Sure, I haven't had some breakfast yet."  he stood up, bringing his cup to the table and sat at the bar stool where he could see me.

"I'll defrost the bacon and chicken nuggets. I'll just head in to the shower for now." I told him, and he hummed.

I headed inside the bedroom, locked it, off to the bathroom, locked it, and began to shower.

It took me around six minutes, since I was in a hurry. I wore a simple white cropped top, black cargo pants paired with white stilettos. I also wore the necklace Aqua gave me, a pair of hoop earrings, and went outside with my purse.

"Whew, looking good, ma'am." Sirius teased, and I threw my chapstick at him.
I placed my purse on top of the counter, and began to cook.

After cooking, I placed the plates on the table. I sat beside Sirius and began to eat.

The both of us ate in silence, since I prefer to eat my food silently, specially if I'm not that comfortable with the person I'm eating with.

Don't get me wrong, Sirius is a nice guy, I just have this bad feeling. And my gut feelings are right almost every single time.

"So. . . are you really sure you're going to go out in a crop top? Without a scarf?" he a

"What?" I asked, raising a brow at him.

"You. . . uh. . . have a hickey." he pointed out, looking away with red ears.

"It's still visible!?" I asked, covering my neck with my palm.

"It seems like you gave your boyfriend a goodbye gift, huh?" he teased, and I pinched his shoulder.

"Don't you dare mention this to anyone, got it?!" I pointed my fork at him, and he raised his hands in defeat.

"Jeez, this is why I told Aqua to hold back a little." I murmured, standing up to get my scarf.

"I'll wash the dishes for you!" Sirius yelled, and I just yelled an 'Okay' back.

The both of us left my condo at around 8:16, and our walk to the office would be 10 minutes. Meaning, if we don't get distracted, we'll arrive at 8:26! We wouldn't be late!

Yeah. . .

If only we didn't get bombarded with paparazzi.

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