Kaeya x male reader [angst]

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Pairings: Kaeya x male reader ending with Diluc x male reader

TW: slight swearing, angst, yelling, mentions of drinking, crying

Additional Tags: friends to lovers

Nicknames Used: Baby, Luc

Word Count: 1012

When I return to my house, scrapes and cuts on my arms, legs, and face, I'm met with the sight of my boyfriend. Great. I'm not in a good mood and I know he's going to scold me. When the door closes, he turns around.

"You're hurt," he states, getting the first-aid kit from the cabinet. He says nothing as he cleans my wounds. When he starts to dab the alcohol-soaked cotton on my face, I hiss from the sting. He frowns. "If you were more careful, this wouldn't happen." I sigh.

"Kaeya, I'm really not in the mood right now." Now that he's close to my face, I can smell the alcohol on his breath. "Are you drunk?!" I ask, pushing him away.


"No. you're always at the tavern. If you're not here, you're there. You need to stop drinking away your problems, Kaeya!"

"Well maybe I wouldn't drink so much if you didn't nag me all the damn time!" he says, raising his voice.

"This has nothing to do with me-"

"If you weren't so annoying and reckless, maybe I wouldn't drink!" he shouts. We're both standing now. We go back and forth like this, our voices getting louder until he snaps. "Archons, you're so annoying! Get out, you're a waste of my time and energy. We're done!" I freeze, the tears that have been pooling in my eyes spilling onto my cheeks. He looks at me with wide eyes, realizing what he said.

"If that's what you want..." I whisper, running to our shared bedroom. He follows after me.

"Baby, wait-!" I shove some clothes in my bag and push past him, heading for the front door. As my hand closes around the doorknob, he catches my shoulder. "(Name), I-"

"I'm sorry for wasting your time, Kaeya," I say, closing the door behind me.

The journey to Dawn Winery isn't as long as I expected, but it's pouring down rain by the time I get there. I knock on the door and Diluc opens it, frowning when he sees me.

"What're you doing here-" His eyes flick to the cuts on my face and he opens the door wider. "Come in." I step inside and I'm immediately wrapped in a warm towel, my bag taken off my shoulder. He leads me to the couch and sits down next to me.

"T-Thanks for letting me in..." I mumble.

"What happened?" he asks.

"W-We had a fight..." I explain everything that was said and he wraps his arms around me, letting me sob into his shoulder.

"Shh, it's okay. I'm here for you. Do you want to stay here for a little while?" I nod.

"Is that okay...?" He nods.

"Of course. Let's get you to bed, okay? It's late."

"Okay..." He brings me to the guest room and sets my bag on the dresser. I lay down on the bed and curl up under the blankets. "H-He's probably at the Angel's Share..." I whisper. "He's always there."

"I don't know-" He's cut off by a loud knock on the door. Adelinde walks in nervously.

"It's Master Kaeya..." I freeze. Diluc gets up and stops in the doorway.

"I'll be just a minute. Stay here." I hear him open the door. "What do you want, Kaeya?"

"Is he here? Is (Name) here?" Kaeya asks.

"He is, what of it?"

"Can I talk to him?"

"Really? After what you did, you still think you deserve to talk to him?"

"N-No, I just-"

"You broke his heart for the last time. He is no longer yours, you made that decision." Diluc snaps.


"You hurt him. You're not welcome here. Leave. Now." The door slams shut and he comes back. "Are you okay?" he asks gently. I nod, tears filling my eyes. He sits down on the bed and I scoot over to him. He looks at the space next to me and I nod. He lays down, opening his arms. I bury my face in his shirt and he holds me tightly.

"C-Can you stay here tonight...?" I whisper. He nods.

"Sure, if it makes you happy," he murmurs. "We need to change into something more comfortable if we are to sleep here."

"I don't know if I brought pajamas, I just shoved things in my bag."

"You can borrow a set of mine, if you'd like. They might be a bit big on you, though."

"That's okay."

"Adelinde, can you please bring 2 sets of pajamas to us?" She nods, returning a few moments later with the pajamas. We each change into our pajamas and I get back into bed. "Do you want me to lay with you?" he asks. I nod shyly. He smiles and lays down next to me. I scoot closer to him and he wraps his arms around me.

"Thank you for always being there for me. Anytime I fought with Kaeya, you were always there. Honestly, you've probably treated me better than he did." He hums, stroking my hair.

"I've always cared about you. Even before you and him started dating, I felt...protective over you. When you two got together, I knew he would end up hurting you. That's what he does. He hurts people. I was angry. He knew how I felt about you and he still went for you. I knew he wasn't good for you. I knew I could treat you better. But I stayed quiet. Because he made you happy. And that meant more to me than anything," Diluc says. His eyes widen. "Shit, I'm sorry, I didn't realize what I was saying." I cup his cheek and smile.

"Everytime we fought, everytime I came here, I always thought about how well you treated me. Luc, you were always so gentle with me. You listened when I vented, you gave me a shoulder to cry on, and you gave me a place to stay. The more we fought, the more I realized that I was developing feelings for you." He smiles.

"I love you~❤️"

"I love you too~❤️"

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