Coming out to Ayato as trans [Ayato x trans reader]

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Pairings: Ayato x reader (he/they pronouns)

TW: trans reader, slight angst if you squint really hard

Additional Tags: none

Wourd Count: 321

Nicknames Used: Darling

I wrote this for one of my best friends. Love you babes, I'm so proud of you💙

I sit on the couch of the estate, playing with my fingers nervously. Ayaka sits down next to me and looks at me, concerned.

"(Preferred Name), are you all right?" she asks gently. I smile at her.

"I'm fine, Ayaka. I'm just waiting until he has a free moment before I tell him," I explain. She nods.

"I'm sure he wouldn't mind if you interrupted his work just this once. It's something important, after all." I shrug.

"I just don't want to bother him-" The shoji door slides open and Ayato steps out of his office, running a hand through his hair. His eyes meet mine and he smiles.

"(Name), hello," he says. "What are you doing out here? Is there something wrong?"

"Not exactly...but there is something I want to talk to you about, if you have time."

"I always have time for you, Darling. Join me in my office, we can talk there." I nod, following him into his office. He slides the shoji door shut and sits down, looking at me. I look at the floor.

"There's something important I have to tell you, and I hope this won't change anything..." His brow furrows.

"Did something happen?"

"No, I just...discovered something about myself."

"And that is?"

"I...I'm trans..." I whisper. He hums. When I look up at him, I see him smiling.

"I'm very proud of you for figuring this out, Darling. May I ask what pronouns you want to use?" he asks sweetly.

"He/him or they/them please..."

"And do you have a different name you'd prefer?"

"Yes...I want to go by (Preferred Name)."

"(Preferred Name)?" I nod. "I love it. I think it suits you wonderfully." I smile shyly. He gets out of his chair and hugs me tightly.

"Do...Do you still love me?" I whisper. He kisses my hair.

"Of course. I will always love you, no matter who or what you are~💙"

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