a reason to see you ( lonely muichiro x reader)

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You were busy taking care of some wounded in the butterfly villa, you weren't a very strong swordswoman so shinobu teach you pharmacology to help in the house. You were a good doctor considering your young age,you were also a friend a friend of mist Pillar, even though he wasn't the type of many words he was a great listener and sometimes even told you about him, since then you've become very good friends.

You were currently selling the arm to a wounded swordsman. Then, you heard footsteps approaching and coming up behind you. When the footsteps stopped behind you, you heard a familiar voice.

-Y/n - said an emotionless voice, you didn't need to turn around to know who it was, you knew that voice very well.

You smiled and said - tell me muichiro - you said without turning around.

- come with me to look at the clouds? -he said , it sounded more like an order than a request.

- I'm sorry muichiro, but I have to heal these swordsmen wounded in battle - I apologized

- you should pay more attention to the higher ranking swordsmen, rather than these weak ones who will most likely die in the next mission - He said offensively

- muichiro I can assure you that all the people here need my full attention, regardless of rank. - I said trying not to get angry at the way he had treated them.

When I started to be friends with muichiro, tanjiro had warned me about his behavior, that he didn't do anything meanly, I knew he didn't want to be mean now either, so I try to explain it to him without being rude.

- but ,Y/n- he said taking my arm and wrapping his hands and pulling him a little close to him.

When he did that you could never refuse, but you couldn't let shinobu down, he relied on you to take care of the wounded, she did a lot for you. To your regret you had to say no.

- sorry muichiro, but I just can't, I have to take care of the injured, now you should leave here if you're not injured.- I said pushing him away.

Muichiro looked a little shocked and a little sad, but then he quickly returned to his usual emotionless voice. He walked away. You hated seeing him like this, you always did everything to make him happy.

Two days later :

You were preparing to treat zenitsu , tanjiro and inosuke who just returned from a mission . After healing them a person entered. It was muichirō. It's weird, Muichiro never comes here except when he's hurt, which he usually almost never is, yet you were happy to take care of him.

- hello muichiro, what's going on? - I said with a smile

- I think I dislocated my arm in the last mission against a demon by holding the sword badly. - she explained.

- ok come - I said

You took him to a separate room and helped him with your arm. She thanked you and asked if she could stay and not make too much effort. You told him yes,but instead of resting so as not to overexert yourself as he had said , he was by your side all the time .

The days went by and muichiro came to get treatment from you even for the most futile things, if you didn't take care of him you wouldn't agree to be treated, even I approached staying there for hours. But then you took a good lecture from yourself, about the fact that he can't do that.But he didn't care, as long as he had your full attention and felt your warmth on his skin that gave him that feeling of comfort and tranquility everything was fine with him.

~Timeskip brought to you by akaza the basketball 😎~

Muichiro had come to you again. He had asked to see you. You had just finished seeing a patient.

- Oh muichiro still here? - I said ironically

-I'm here because my hand hurts, I must have gripped the sword too tightly- he said

You rolled your eyes a bit, don't get me wrong, I love muichiro, but he shouldn't waste time while there could be a patient who is worse off than him.

- muichiro I appreciate that you are starting to take care of yourself, but I think you should let me take care of people who really need to be taken care of. - I said

- but I....- he said lowering his gaze.

- this time I'll turn a blind eye - I said making him enter

You bandaged the wound on his hand .

- muichiro how did you hurt your hand - you asked again.

- I told you, it all happened in training - he explained without taking his eyes off you.

- but....there was nobody at the training hall today, and you don't have a tsugoku - you muttered, but it was audible enough for muichiro.

- muichiro I asked you one last time, and please be honest with me - I said

- how did you get this wound?-

There was a short period of silence before Muichiro answered.

- I did it myself - he confessed

Your eyes widened at his words. Then you thought about something.

- don't tell me that....all those wounds you have sustained in the last few days, did you make them yourself? - you said scared by the answer she would have given.

-Yes-he answered simply

- why, why harm yourself ?! - you said a little angry

- to see you - he said, looking deeply into your eyes

Your eyes widened even wider and you couldn't take your eyes off her beautiful mint eyes.

- I hate when you pay more attention to other guys than to me, not to mention the fact that because of your job I can't see you anymore - he said lowering his gaze a bit to the floor.

You were a little angry at him for hurting himself but then you gave him a sweet look.

- that's fine, I'll make sure every day that I spend as much time with you as possible, I will talk to shinobu-sama to ask her to finish earlier, so I can be with you, at that time Aoi and the others will replace me. - You said making him look up at you.

- really? - he said a bit surprised

-Sure- I replied.

- well, then come with me - he said getting off the couch and taking you by the hand.

- but how, now? - you said

- you said you would give me some time - he said making a smiley through but at the same time kawaii ,you couldn't say no to that pretty face.

- Okay, okay - you said and went out with Muichiro.

You were happy to dedicate time to him, you can tell he felt lonely without you. You would have done anything to make him happy.


Ok guys here I am again , sorry for the wait, just very sick , but to make it up to you I will publish a new Near x reader book which is already being processed, my last One shots are a bit long but I hope you will like them. See you next One shots which I hope won't be in too long.🥲✋

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