Imagine - t. k

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Love hate

"And here comes the most beloved love team couple, Tom and y/n!" The news reporter announced as soon as you and Tom walked out of your joined car.

He opened the car door and helped you to get off to act all chivalrous. You smiled at him and hold onto his arm as you walk the red carpet.

"Good evening, you both look stunning tonight. How do you guys feel about all this love given to you by your fans. They seem to really love this duo and are looking forward to more projects of you two." The reporter asked, obviously doing their job.

You and Tom glanced at each other, and as if you were talking telepathically, Tom were the one to talk.

"Uh, we were overwhelmed from all the love the fans have for us. We feel your warmth and we're really thankful for it. Right, dear?" Tom said and looked at your side with a smile.

You on the other hand just smiled and nodded. This crazy crowd makes you nauseous.

"Now, can we expect a lot more kissing scenes here? Or...?" The reporter asked that made the crowd crazier. They were all shouting your names and chanted "kiss!" in unison.

Tom laughed from the fans' reaction. He pulled you closer by your waist then he went closer to your face, only inches away.

Before he close the gap preventing your lips to touch, he whispered the most coarse words you most expect him to say.

"You're disgusting." He whispered before his lips touched yours.

You kissed in front of the crowd to satisfy their delusions. Cameras are flashing, people are screaming, and everyone's attention were in you both.

As soon as you two went backstage, you immediately pushed him away from you. You brushed the non-existent dust off your dress just after he's out of your personal space.

"I'm disgusting? Talk about yourself. Yuck." You acted like you were about to vomit.

You find it funny how the people really loves your love team but you can never see him as a decent man because he's absolutely an egotistical deviant maniac. You hate his guts and so is he.

"Excuse me? I'm Tom Kaulitz. I have no idea why they think you look good with me. You look ridiculous next to me!" He rebutted.

You could swore once this project is over, you'll never ever accept another project with him. He's the worst.

"Guess what, if you were my wife, I would put poison in your coffee." He threatened as he get closer to you, abruptly pointing his finger at you.

You didn't let him humiliate you of course. So you got even closer, so close your lips were gently brushing against each other. Your sudden action and boldness seemed to shocked him so he's slowly backing away.

"News flash, if you were my husband, I'd drink it." You said it in a whisper, only him could hear. He felt your breath against his lips that tingled his whole body.

You looked at him up and down before you left him all dumbfounded.

He was left all alone, still flabbergasted. He suddenly felt something in him that he couldn't elucidate. He held his pounding chest to try and calm it down, but the thought of you made him dumbstruck with confusion.

"What is this intense feeling? Do I... fancy her?" Tom questioned himself but he too, can't unravel the cause of what he is feeling towards you, his arch emesis.

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