Imagine - t. h

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old friends

"promise you'll never leave me?" you asked.

"we promise, y/n." they smiled.

"i'll be your first fan then." you giggled.

"your tickets are free for our concert, by the way." tom vaunted.

"you better not break your promise. best friends forever?" you crossed your arms.

"never. and yes, best friends forever." they lift their pinky up and you all giggle connecting it.

that was two years ago.

they're finally back to have one last concert before their tour ends. they've been traveling the world having shows here and there. they are really that big and you're beyond happy they finally made it.

you were also there dreaming big with them. sadly, with their busy schedules, they have no time for you anymore and you lose touch with them. guess you can now call them your old friends.

after two years of no connection, you decided to watch their show. you've been contemplating for years now because you have no idea how to approach them once your paths meet again.

"what would i say? "hey, guys! remember me? we used to use the same straw to drink juice haha"  what!? no, i can't say that! that's gross and weird and creepy." you narrowed your eyes and knitted your brows together as you talk to yourself.

"okay, how 'bout "hi, do you remember when we used to scrub each other's back when we shower?"  the heck? that's weirder and grosser and creepier." you facepalm yourself.

"just be cool, y/n. i'm sure they still remember me and consider me as their friend. haha. hopefully." your smile faded.

you cried your heart out once their last song ended. you heard from people how good they are, but this is the first time you heard them live.

"man, i'd kill to hear them for the first time again." you sniffle and wipe your tears.

you almost forgot that you have a backstage pass with you. you immediately went backstage to finally meet them again.

as you're getting closer, you feel suffocated and your heart is racing like crazy. you've never been nervous in your life til now.

this is it. you said to yourself.

you can already hear the fans screaming their names. the moment you stepped your foot inside, your heart stopped when you meet eye contact with one of them.

"y/n...?" gustav whispered, as if he were making sure it was you.

"gustav you're hallucinating again. there's no way y/n is he-.. Y/N?!" bill exclaimed as soon as he saw you with his own eyes.

georg and tom followed where bill and gustav were looking and as soon as they saw you, tom smiled widely and georg as him, he just simply smirked as if he expected you to come.

"hey, guys." you quietly uttered and waved your hand in tiny.

"Y/N!!!" all the guys rushed to you and jumped on you which made you all stumble down. the guys didn't even care what their fans might think. they're just really happy and excited to see you again.

"guys, i can't breathe!" your voice is hoarse trying to get air in your lungs.

"oh sorry." they said and chuckled.

as soon as you finally stood up, they pulled you in a hug as tightly as they can. you melted when you felt their warmth once again. you longed for this for whole two years. 

"i've missed you guys so much." you cried out.

"aweee still a cry baby." the guys teased you making you playfully punch them.

"we missed you too, y/n, so much we could die." bill obviously exaggerated. 

"you have no idea how lonely we were without you. we're not five points for gryffindor without you." tom said.

you cackled at what he just said. hearing your squad name makes you cringe because who would name their friend group that corny ass name. (personally, i would if i had potterhead friends. sadly, i do not have *sad noises* ++ i have no idea whether TH watches HP or not)

you were so engaged in catching up with your friends when suddenly someone cleared their throat really loud.

you all look back to see lots of fans still waiting for the guys to sign their albums or whatsoever.

"ahem. very touching moment you guys. but your fans didn't pay to watch your drama with old friends. so if you would." one of the staff said which made you all laugh.

"we'll see ya later, alligator." bill said.

"toodle-loo, kangaroo." tom said then winked.

"bye-bye, butterfly." gustav waved goodbye. 

"take care, teddy bear." georg then added.

you were confused about what's with these goodbyes that rhyme with an animal. but you copied them anyway.

"well, see you soon, raccoons." you heard some people laugh at what you said which made you embarrassed so you left and waited for them outside.


i take soooo long to update i'm so sorry! 

on a diff note, where are my potterheads at!?

anw, thanks for the suggestion.

++ just imagine their faces in the picture above is their reaction when they saw you hahaha.

++ just imagine their faces in the picture above is their reaction when they saw you hahaha

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