Imagine - t. b. k

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sibling love

"fuck you, tom!" you raised your middle finger up at your brother, tom, who once again stole your chocolates.

"what is it again this time?" bill, your other brother, sighed heavily. he's so tired of you both always fighting like there's no tomorrow.

"tom stole my chocolates, again. give it back dirtbag!" you shouted and went after him. bill, on the other hand, facepalmed himself.

you live with your brothers who are twins and they're two years older than you. it's apparent that you and bill get along pretty well then there's tom who's a walking dick. he always gets on your nerves and won't spare you a day without annoying you.

"bill, I'm going out." you went to his room to let him know.

"okay. take care." you smiled at him.

"where are you going, dipstick?" tom's teasing stopped your tracks.

"on a date, coccydynia." you insulted back.

"I don't have that kind of disease or whatever." tom defended.

"but you're a pain in the butt so same thing." you poke your tongue out.

"yea? well I'm surprised someone wants to date you, corpulent." tom copied you and also poked his tongue out.

"I am not that fat!" you stomped your feet in annoyance. he's starting a war again.

"you are, fatass." he said.

"butt-face." you rebutted.

"boogerface." he added.

"birdbrain." you added back.

"fatso." he just won't stop.

"you're the dirtiest assmonkey to ever exist." you close your eyes and scream that wholeheartedly.

"do me a favor and jump off a building." he shouted back.

"tutorial please." you never want to lose to his insults again so you fought back whatever it takes.

"just die." he angrily said.

"you first, cunt." you were screaming at each other and your faces are getting closer and now your foreheads are touching.

"i hate you times infinity!" your face turned into a frown.

"news flash, i hate you more!" he replied.

"guys!" you both looked at bill who was standing in front of you with a worried face. "you're fighting again." he added.

you and tom looked at each other with calmer expressions.

"stop, would ya? and there goes your date, y/n." bill pointed to the open door with no one there.

you finally realized what happened. your date probably heard you fighting with your brother and scared him and then ran away. you once again looked at tom with a frown.

"i hate you so much tom." you said before running back to your room.

tom caught bill glaring at him with a 'look what you did' look and tom fully understood.


you were crying in your room underneath your blanket. you were very upset from what happened earlier. you don't really mean what you say to each other most of the time but today is different. it feels so real and it hurts.

suddenly, you heard a knock at your door. you stayed quiet and pretended to be asleep because you already know who that is.

"I'm going in." you heard tom before he entered.

you felt a weight on your bed but you still pretended you were asleep.

"i got you your favorite chocolate." tom put the box of chocolates close to your face.

"I'm sorry, y/n. i know i was being an asshole earlier and i didn't mean everything i said. i was acting childish and i shouldn't have hurt your feelings. I'm so sorry. can you forgive me?" he sounded sincere and this is the first time he seems genuine.

you sat up and leaned against the bed frame. you look at him and he's doing this silly smile that gets you every time. you finally gave in and you both laughed like nothing happened.

"come here." he said and then pulled you in a hug.

"I'm sorry too, tom." you said as he caress your back.

"let's go get some ice cream." he said.

"can i come too?" you let go of the hug when you heard bill from the door.

you and tom chuckled and welcomed him inside.

"of course, bill. we're sorry you always get caught in the middle because of our childish fights." tom said, embracing both you and bill.

"it's okay. it just pains me when you hurt each other. i love you both so much so i only want what's best for the both of you." bill said made your heart melt.

"i love you both so much, you dorks." you laughingly said and then you went in for a group hug.

nothing is more powerful than a sibling love.

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