Sanamei x goymei

413 0 11

I personally don't ship this, it's nice tho bc Sanamei respects Gyomei

•grammar errors


Goymei sat next to his white haired colleague in happiness. He felt Sanamei was a respectful, confident, and loyal man. Goymei felt his heart melt, and blush rise to his cheeks as he though about that man next to him.

They were on a mission, looking for a powerful demon. They were taking a break from all the walking for a moment. The two sat comfortably next to each other, letting out calm breaths.

Sanamei raised his head "Okay, you ready?" Sananmei asked, being surprisingly polite.

Goymei smiled at that "yep! Let's go" his big booming voice was noticeable, Sanamei blushed at it, he wiped his face, getting a bit angry about that.

Sanamei stood up and Goymei followed that motion. Then they started to walk to the town ahead before the sun set down. The walked down the path that lead them to a small village.

As they walked they both said nothing being in comfortable silence. The only noise they could hear was a chirping of bugs and the wind whooshing. They finally reached the town and the two both stopped. The lights of the town were on and it shone.

Darkness had set in the sky, Sanamei noticed it first. Goymei heard his movement, and placed a hand on his shoulder. Goymei smiled reassuringly, then slowly dropped his hand back down. Sanamei blushes madly at it and wanted to get out so the other man doesn't notice.

"I'll go find a hotel!" Sanamei exclaimed and ran off, his feet leaving dirt flying as he ran.

Goymei slowly followed behind, breathing in the fresh air. He sensed something with sanamei, but chose to ignore it for the moment.

The scarred male was hiding his face, he was blushing, and standing infront of a medium sized hotel that he just now found. A million thoughts ran through  this mind, it was Al about Goymei. They were new lovers yes, it's just that's he doesn't know how to handle his hotness and kindness.

Sanamei sighed and smiled at how he scored at amazing hottie like that. Just as he lifted his head a little, Goymei appeared out of nowhere and looked at him innocently.

Sanamei sensed him before and he turned around blushing. "I found a hotel!" He announced

Gyomei smiled and nodded him head, coming closer to Namei. "That's great, let's go get a room and wait til night time."

Sanamei nodded and walked in, he tensed up a bit because of new people. He had his guard up just in case of anything happening.

They walked to the front and checked in, the lady asked many question and Sanamei didn't trust her at all. Once they got the keys, pretty quickly, Sanamei quickly grabbed them and glared at the woman. She shook, with a nervous smile on her face.

Goymei felt bad about Sanamei scaring her. "I'm sorry madam, he's just on edge"

Gyomei turned over and he walked away with Sanamei. Sanamei huffed, stamping down the hall, Goymei turned over at him and frowned a little.

They walked down the hall til they got into the room number they wanted to, and Sanamei harshly unlocked and opened the door. Nearly taking off it henges, he op ed the door and stomps in.

Gyomei follows behind and closes it behind them. Sanamei flops down on the bedding. Gyomei wakes up to the white haired man and, he sits down right next to him. Sanamei looks up at him.

"What bothers you?" Gyomei looked forward, not even looking cause he's blind.

Sanamei sits up "Well I don't trust her and then she acts all scared!!" Sanamei practically yelled, he crossed his arms.

Gyomei put a smile on his face "Well you have to understand, Plus Namei I wouldn't assume just cause that happened, you never know" He patted the others shoulder

Sanamei's anger died down into calmness, he looked down. "Yeah that's true.."

Gyomei hugged the other man, he wrapped his hands around the lower back of Sanamei. Sanamei was surprised and blushed filled his face violently, immediately. It took his a moment to hug back, his face plunged into Gyomei's chest.

Once they pulled away Sanamei's face was a deep red. Gyomei felt his body temperature rise, he blushed a bit too.

"Thanks.." Sanamei hid his face

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