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Awww Akazas backstory is sooo sad
But they belong together-
I do think they should be together ^^ they technically are lol

Requested by: @totallynotkoyuki

•grammar errors


Koyuki was walking around her house picking flowers quietly, it was a very beautiful day. The colorful spring colors popped out finally that day and she decided to bring that beauty into the house in the form of a flower. She held her light brown basket calmly, she bent over as she carefully picked a flower from a little patch of tall light pink and white roses. She smiled to herself softly as she enjoyed picking beautiful flowers.

Hakuji wasn't far from her as he watched her take beautiful flowers and put it into the basket in her hands. He couldn't help but blush in the beauty of the moment he was watching. He decided after staring at her for a long moment he wanted to go over to the pretty girl.

Hakuji walked nervously over to Koyuki, he felt his heart beat a bit faster as he was now standing behind Koyuki. Hakuji hesitantly took his hand to hold her hand, Koyuki jumped immediately and turned around quickly, she had her fist up. Once she saw it was Hakuji she calmed down and sighed.

"Hakuji! Why didn't you make your presence known!!!" She looked to the side feeling embarrassed.

Hakuji only smiled at her fierce reaction, it only made sense because her dad is a martial art master.

He let out a soft laugh "Sorry sorry!" He stepped closer to her

She looked up for a moment "It's okay" She smiled softly back at him. Hakuji intertwined their hands, they both seemed to smile more at the action.

They both stared into each others eyes calmly, they felt they're cheeks heating up, leaving a pink on both of they're cheeks. To break the silence Koyuki started to get close o Hakuji, she lifted up her basket.

"Care for a flower?" She tilted her head and Hakuji's heart exploded in the cuteness, he quickly nodded happily.

His grin was childish and goofy, he looked like a kid on Christmas. She giggled at his expression and handed him a light pink flower, Hakuji took the flower softly and smiled at it.

"Do you like it?" Koyuki looked at Hakuji waiting for a answer.

He looked at her and nodded "Yes I do"

She smiled brightly and she held his hand tighter, he laughed.

"Hey I do have something I want to give you" She unclips something out of her hair, Hakuji is confused.

She hands him a small snowflake hair pendant, he gasps, it was the hair pendant her dad gave her, he couldn't take it. She takes the pendant to put it in his hands.

"No no! Koyuki I can't take this your dad gave you it, it's for you" He worrily tries to push it back to her but she shakes her head with a smile.

"Well now it's for you" She raises her hand with the pendant to put it in Hakuji's hair, he doesn't protest but feels happy.

Hakuji looks to the side "Well thank you" He pauses for a moment and she smiles and holds his hand again.

"I owe you something now, you gave me two things" Hakuji starts thinking

"Oh no it's really okay, you do—" She stopped talking when she realized Hakuji was kissing her o her cheek, it felt so soft and warm. Her cheeks started to flush.

Once Hakuji pulled away he was smiling childishly with blush over his face. She darted to giggle at his weird expression.

"We should head to lunch now" She started to pull him, while she walked to the estate they live in.

Hakuji nodded and let her lead him to lunch, they both smile feeling silly bit happy.

The end 🥱
How everyone is doing well 😴

Stay safe stay hydrated
Bye 😘

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