Douma x fem!reader

477 7 15

I do find douma hot Lmao
But I read the manga soooo- I kinda hate him—

Requested by: Raiderfam777

I'm very sorry, I starting to get uncomfortable with lemon, Lemon will be in this but it won't be a big amount of it, sorry again

•grammar errors


As you walked down the halls of the infinity castle, looking around at your fellow uppermoons. You were extremely bored and was just finding something, anything to do. As you walk past all of the uppermoons rooms, you find yourself coming up to Douma's room, the uppermoon 2. He was really powerful, and unsettlingly happy all the time. You are the uppermoon 5, you were powerful but not as much as Douma, so you felt a bit scared of him.

Though, after the couple times you've spent with him, he was honestly amazing to be around.

You continued to walk down the hall, trying to free your mind if Douma. Suddenly blush was on your cheek and you just realized. Oh boy was it a weird feeling you were feeling.

You feel a hand come onto your shoulder and your face turns pale and you quickly turn around. You strike the unknown person at the knees making them fall, geez he was pretty tall. I mean you were 5'6 and that's pretty tall for a woman. (Japan ladies have a average of 5'2-)

You start to look at the unknown man and it hits you, it's Douma.

"Ahh! Douma! I'm so so sorry I thought it was a fucking- I don't know!" You start to help him up and you keep apologizing.

Douma chuckles and puts on his usual smile, he springs out his fan and covers his mouth slightly with the fan.

"My my~ you are quite strong, it's all okay, Y/n-dono~" Douma chirped, his voice sounding happy or amused. He looked at you with really happy eyes, like actually happy.

You sigh feeling relieved of his forgiveness, but you started to wonder what he was doing when he grabbed your shoulder.

"Hey what did you need?" You tilted your head slightly, crossing your arms underneath your chest.

Douma seemed to smile more "Oh~ I just wanted to show you an outfit I got for you~! Remember when you said the outfit you have on now is not good for fighting, well I think I got you the perfect outfit~!" He smiles, and then waits for you so he can go to his room to show you.

The outfit you had on now was terribly bad for when you went to fight slayers and such. It was a long sleeve, white, shirt. You also wore a knee length blue skirt. It was pretty cute, but not handy for missions and when you went to fight, oh boy all the people you most likely flashed, the last thing some slayers saw was you flashing them. You couldn't really make clothes or find any, so you were really happy when Douma told you about the clothes he has for you.

You beamed at Douma and jumped up happily. "Yes! Thank you! Can you show me and I can try it on?"

"Why of course~" Douma and you started to walk to Douma's room, which was right next to you both.

Douma opened the door for you and you walked in, woah he had a pretty large room. It had ice and blue and white colors mostly everywhere.

Douma closed the door and then happily went over to his bed where he had a set of clothing laid out for you. You ran up to it and looked at it, very excited. The clothing was lifted by you as you examined it closely.

(Since I don't want to write a description 💀)

(Since I don't want to write a description 💀)

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You quickly ran into Douma's bathroom to put it on, it is so cute!

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You quickly ran into Douma's bathroom to put it on, it is so cute!

Douma waits for you feeling happy that you like it. He feels a bit excited to see you in a outfit like that, he finds you very hot.

After a bit of time with you in the bathroom, you exit the bathroom in the outfit he gave you and you look wonderful. It suits you amazingly, and it's also very cute on you. You felt very excited, and you were so happy Douma got it for you.

Douma stared at you with a nervous smile, he was redder than a tomato, his heart beat faster.  You saw his red expression and knew, blush quickly ran on your cheeks.

"Oh my~ I must say you look very pretty~!" Douma started to stare at you with a flustered smile.

"W-well thanks for the outfit!" You said nervously, you turned your eyes to look at something else.

Douma looked anxious, like he was about to say something he was gonna regret. Douma smiles his usual smile again and looks into your eyes. You stare at him curiously and nervously, the blush on both of your cheeks did not leave.

"I think I have feelings for you, Y/n-dono~" Douma stepped closer to you, he smirked with faint blush in his cheeks.

Your face turns immediately red, and you jumped as Douma pushed you against the wall. You felt your heart beat faster, but overall you were really excited on what was about to happen next.

You finally had the courage to speak "I have feelings for you" You smile at Douma.

Douma widens his eyes and smiles more, that smile turns into a smirk quickly. "Now I can really say, you are a really beautiful woman, that outfit looks hot on you~" Douma put his face close to Yours, and your face heats up.

Before you know it Douma kisses you passionately and you were completely caught off guard. Then you kiss back, and Douma gets the kiss more and more heated the longer you kiss.

You both pull away and You're trying to catch your breath. Douma notices it and smirks, he kisses you again and it was much more sloppy but very heated.

Douma pulls away and your already going mad with your red face and heavy panting. Douma seemed to love that reaction, he kneeled down and started to lightly kiss your neck, you were shocked and accidentally let out a quiet moan.

"What was that~? I wanna hear it louder~!" He says in a seductive tone. You are shocked by his flirty-ness, this must be what he is like in bed.

Douma kisses once more but this time it was on the neck, it was a soft kiss at first then I started becoming more aggressive kisses. You felt yourself feel pleasure and happiness.

You moan louder and he goes crazy over it, he starts to bite your neck. You jump feeling pain, but you liked it. As his sharp fangs sink into your neck you moan more and more.

Douma quickly goes to unzip your top, but you take his hands quickly stopping him from doing so. You liked it but you just couldn't at the moment.

"Douma..*huff* stop...w-we have a meeting today.." You were out of breath and you managed to speak that to him.

Douma's smile was small and confused, he sighed and smiled his usual smile. He nodded "Okay dear!~ but we will continue this later!" Douma giggled

You turned red and laughed with him, he grabbed your hand and you both walk out of the room. You both were genuinely smiling happily.

De end x_x
Hope you enjoyed!

Stay safe stay hydrated!
Bye ✌️

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