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Y/N - 10 years old

"Come on Reo! Let's do something that I want to do!" I whined while looking at Reo.

He rolled his eyes while turning to me. "Fine. What would the oh so great y/n want to do?".

I smiled big "let's go to the park! It's a sunny day and I don't want to be locked in this house anymore".

He nodded, "Fine but we're bringing a ball", we made our way to his fathers office to ask for permission.

Twenty minutes later, Reo and I arrived at the park and were making our way to the playground. We walked to the stairs that lead to the slide. It was our favorite place at this park, parents deemed it the "death slide" due to so many children hurting themselves so they steered clear which left it wide open for us. We always started our days at the park at the slide before anything else, it was tradition and we never broke it. Right as we turned to walk up, I tripped over a leg I didn't notice and landed in front of a white haired boy who looked our age. Looking up I was met with big grey eyes, I remember thinking how sad they looked and I immediately wanted to give him a hug.

"Ehhhh??! Who are you?" Reo asked the boy who continued to look at me. I looked down with a blush when I realized we were staring at each other.

He finally turned to look at Reo, "Nagi" was all he said before he pulled up his phone to continue his game he was playing.

I found it quite amusing because other than me, no one else would act this way towards Reo; he was your typical rich kid who was used to getting attention. I saw his face get red because he was being ignored so he stomped past us to go up the stairs. I knew he was going to do something bad so I jumped up to stop him.

He walked up three steps before looking over his shoulder at Nagi. Before I could get to him he pushed Nagi's back with his foot causing his phone to fly out of his hands. If I blinked I would have missed it, he went flying toward his phone and stopped it from hitting the ground with his foot. Reo and I stood in shock while he grabbed his phone from his foot, sat on the ground and continued playing like nothing.

Seconds passed before we regained our composure but Reo had a spark in his eyes. He walked up to Nagi and held the ball in front of him.

"Play with us" he demanded. I rolled my eyes while walking towards the two boys.

"What he means to say is, will you play with us? Reo has been on a soccer thing lately and it'd be cool if you joined us" I said while smiling at the boy.

He stared for so long my cheeks started to hurt, I was beginning to think he only knew how to say his name.

"Sure" he shrugged, he stood up and dusted his pants and held his hands out for the ball.

Reo grinned, "Alright! Prepare to lose!" .

Since then we've been inseparable, the three musketeers obsessed with soccer.

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