CHAPTER 24: Temptation

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Nagi - 19 Years Old

Even though we've only been at this school for a week, the amount of people who showed up to our house would make you think we've been here for years. People can't resist a party, it seems. It's been going on for about 2 hours and I was getting impatient, y/n still hasn't shown up. Chigiri mentioned that Geto said they'd be here but as the night dragged on, I started to doubt she'd show up. I leaned against the counter in the kitchen, it had the perfect view of the front door. I haven't moved since people started showing up and I began to curse every time someone other than her walked through.

I checked my phone and saw a notification that you posted on instagram 30 minutes ago, I clicked on your profile and the photo loaded. My hand clenched so hard my phone creaked and I took a calming breath, the comments not helping my anger at all. I was about to leave and go to this bar when the front door opened and you walked in with a laugh, followed by Gojo and Geto. 'Holy fuck, she's here'. I quickly took a gulp of my soda to calm myself down while I watched her make her rounds in the living room. I could tell by the flush on her cheeks she's been drinking and I smiled, noticing how animated her hands and face was when she talked to people.

She said something to Gojo and he nodded, she made her way to the kitchen and I stiffened. She hasn't noticed me yet but when she scanned the island for a drink her eyes connected with mines. She held eye contact for a few moments before her cheeks turned red and she smiled softly, "Hi"

I walked to the counter across from her, "Hi, you're here."

She nodded, "yeah, this is a nice place." she looked around.

"Thank you, can I make you a drink?" I pointed to the bottles in front of us. She gave me a big smile and nodded, "Yes please" she said with her hands together.

"What would you like?"

Her head tilted, "Hmmm. Surprise me" her smile never leaving her face.

I nodded and made her favorite drink, "here, try this" I held out the cup. She reached out and her fingers brushed mines causing a bolt of electricity to shoot up my arm. I wondered if she felt it too.

She brought the cup to her lips and took a sip then moaned, the sound going straight to my dick. "It's so good! How'd you remember this was my favorite?" she laughed.

"I remember everything about you" I replied, her smiled dropped and I silently cursed.

"Right, well thank you.." she said quietly and turned to leave the kitchen.

"Hey", I waited until she faced me, "if you need anything, just let me know. Okay?" she nodded and continued to the living room. I leaned on the island and dropped my head with a sigh, "at lease you didn't stick your foot in your mouth this time."

I looked up and saw Gojo smirking at me from the spot she just vacated. "Every win counts" I said honestly.

"I have a question" he asked and I nodded, "So you asked me for her schedule but not about her favorite foods, how'd you figure them out?"

"I remembered her favorites from when we were together but I talked to Kayla at the diner and she gave me a list of foods that she likes to eat" he raised a brow, "and the other places other than the diner?" he asked.

I shrugged, "I asked Geto."

Gojo mouth dropped open, "are you forreal?!" I nodded. "Why did he help you?" his head tilted.

"He told me that he understood how I felt about being in love with someone so deeply and if he had the balls to go after the one he wanted, he'd want all the help he could get."

He froze and muttered an "Excuse me" before he ran off. I hung back at the counter while I watched her from the corner of my eye. I felt someone bump into me and I looked down to see a blond girl smiling at me. I took a step to my left, away from her and her hand landed on my bicep, "Hiiiii, I don't think we've met yet" she smirked. I turned my body and let her hand fall but she quickly reattached to my arm, "And you are?" with flirty eyes.

"Not interested." grabbing her wrist and pulling her hand off.

"Oooo, playing hard to get are we?" she purred while plastering her body against mines. I grabbed her shoulders and nicely pushed her off me.

"I'm not playing at anything, i'm not interested." I said firmly.

"Everyone's interested in me, baby" she bit her lip, looking me up and down. 'This chick can't take a fucking hint'

"Listen to me. I am not interested, other guys here may want easy but I don't. Now i'm asking nicely, please leave me the fuck alone" I finished with a sneer.

She scoffed, "asshole, you're not even that hot anyways" she turned so fast her hair hit my chest and walked to the living room. Rubbed a hand down my face and looked at the liquor debating if I wanted to break my sobriety pledge.

I decided I needed air and walked out the back door, the house has a pretty sick set up. Huge wooden deck, large yard and a pool, but my favorite spot was the fireplace, hidden in the corner of the lot. I walked over, fired up the fire pit and sat on the outdoor couch. I don't know how long I sat out there by myself before I heard a "hey" behind me. I turned and saw you standing there.

I sat up straight, "Hey.."

She gestured to the seat next to me and asked "mind if I join you?"

"Ye-" my voice cracked and I cleared my throat, "Yeah, sure" she smiled and made her way next to me. I rubbed my hands on my jeans and swallowed hard.

She sighed, "I think we should talk" and I stiffened.

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