// Three

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No bad dreams had happened in the last week and the two blondes didn't bother to bring up what had happened between the two of them. Mali-Koa and Roy wanted to know what truly happened while Ashton just didn't care.

"I want them to be over this fighting thing it's so annoying." Roy groaned. Ashton sighed. "If you just don't care then all of the annoyance of it leaves!" Mali-Koa scoffed at the dirty blonde.

"I agree with Ash but I also think there is so much more to the matter. Even if we wanted to this is their problem and it always has been whether we knew it or not." Mali-Koa spoke. "What do you mean?"

"Luke and Michael hooked up the day before it had happened. To Luke it meant a lot but Michael kind of forgot about it the other night I think Luke had asked about it and Michael had been honest. That wasn't what Luke wanted to hear and it made him mad." The rest of the group basically leaned in while listening to Mali-Koa talk.

"What if it becomes a rubber band? They keep pulling on each end until snap." Calum spoke. "That would make sense." Mali-Koa went back to typing on her laptop as the other guys kept talking about it.

"They didn't tell us?" "Probably would have if it went well. But it didn't so they never said anything probably to keep drama out."

"I hate you Michael so much! You complete Asshat!!" Luke's scream could be heard all throughout the house. "And the rubber band has snapped."

"Luke don't walk away! That's the pussy thing to do!" "Yeah? Well so is ignoring the fact that you had sex with your best friend that was way to intimate for two people who don't love each other should have!" The two men came running down the stairs.

The three men sitting on the floor got up but made no action to move.

"I'm sorry okay?! I didn't mean to forget about it but you know the day after I lost most of my will to live." Luke scoffed. "Michael you were going to leave them. WE were going to leave everything!"

"You guys were going to leave?" Calum asked quietly. As the softie of the group hearing those words really hurt him. Ashton wrapped his arms about Calum.

"Maybe it's a good thing-" "Don't say it I swear to god Clifford." "- we didn't leave together."

Everything seemed to happen in slow motion as Luke punched Michael right in the jaw and Michael just looked at him in pure shock. "You know what's so dumb? I've lost almost everyone who I loved. But you! I can't fucking get rid of you. I want to all the time even when you call me a bitch or you say something rude or you shove your hookups in my fucking face knowing I'll be pissed off.-" Luke grabbed Michael's shirt. "-I put up with everything simply because I don't know how to fall out of love with you and all you can do is insult me!-" Luke shoved him back into the wall behind him. "-'oh Luke your mine and no one else's' FUCK YOU! I don't want to be yours if your not mine! I fucking hate you! I hate you so much I love you."

Luke broke down sobbing as he fell onto the ground. Michael stood there as he through about what just happen. Mali-Koa got up and walked over until she was sat next to Luke. The blonde almost instantly curled into her as he kept crying.

"It's okay baby let it out." Mali-Koa rubbed his back. "It hurts I know." She looked up to see Michael absolutely falling to his knees.

"I can't breathe." Luke cried. He wasn't lying it felt like he couldn't breathe.

"I can't breathe I can't breathe!" Mali-Koa tried calming him.

"Luke you need to calm down." "No! I can't breathe I haven't been able to for years. I can't breathe with all of you here I can't breathe knowing people are gone. I-" Somehow the speaking had drove Luke to passing out. His eyes closed and his head lulled back.

"I hope Karama bites you in the ass Clifford."


I hate putting Clifford it feels like I'm talking about me.

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