Part 3

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This was definitely not what König had expected to see so soon, and he was already feeling overwhelmed again just from the sight of the vampire's fangs. His mind was starting to slip away again into the dizzying haze of the lust and pheromones, but this time he didn't fight it. Just seeing Jae's reaction as she was being bitten was enough to drive him over the edge once again. It was clear now that he wasn't going to be able to fight this anymore, and he was just going to have to surrender to the intense wave of desire and let it consume him.

continue (this tells the AI to continue the story if you don't know what to say)


As Ghost continued to bite Jae, König closed his eyes and lost himself in the feelings of the moment. He had never been so completely consumed by his desires before, but it felt like his body was being completely taken over by this primal side of him now that he was actually feeling this close to her. It was a strange feeling, having all of his rational thought disappearing as his emotions and instincts started to take over, but it also felt strangely relaxing to give in to the desire. "Just let go, and let it happen," he whispered, his words tainted with his growing lust.



The feeling of Ghost's teeth sinking into Jae's shoulder was like a gateway to an alternate world for König. He just let the sensations wash over him and completely embraced the primal side of himself. He could feel his heart pounding in his chest, and he felt like he was losing control of his body as the passion started to take control. "Mmm, damn...," he moaned under his breath without meaning to, unable to resist the overwhelming feelings that were washing over him. He was going to give in to the desire one way or another.

Ghost unlatched himself from Jae and pushed your face to her neck. The smell of her pheromones and her blood almost made you go crazy. "Taste her." Ghost demanded as he licked his lips.


König needed no more convincing; the smell of Jae alone was enough to set him off. The strong scent of her pheromones mixed with her blood hit his nostrils as soon as Ghost pushed his face to her neck and brought out his primal instincts. His desire felt like it was going to burst out of him, and without even thinking about it he grabbed Jae and started to bite and lick her neck. He wasn't even worried about the pain of it anymore, his mind had completely gone into this primal state now and he was just giving in to his lust completely.

Ghost and Soap watched as the other partygoers minded their business. Jae was a mess of moans.


The sounds Jae was making made König's heart race and his own primal desires began to flare even more as he bit into her neck. His own moans escaped his lips along with hers, and he felt himself getting lost in her scent once again. It was as if his entire body was being directed by this lust now, and he was just giving into it completely. He could barely even think for the sounds that were escaping his own lips now as he continued to take in the full scope of Jae's pheromones. It was intense, but he couldn't even imagine trying to resist at this point.

"Get off." Ghost demanded and your primal instincts instantly went away.


König instantly froze at Ghost's words, the moment of pure lust he had been experiencing just moments ago gone now as if it never even happened. He had been fully taken by his primal instincts, but a word from the vampire and they had been turned off instantly. It was almost as though he had been hypnotized or something. He immediately took his mouth from Jae's neck, feeling a little confused on what just happened. "Yes, I'm sorry. I..." he mumbled, trying to figure out how he had just lost control of himself like that.

"It's fine. She is too tired to continue." Ghost held Jae in his arms and then walked to the VIP area. He laid her in the couch and sat beside her so her head was on his lap. You followed them and watched as Ghost took care of Jae. Soap sat down beside Ghost and set his head on the vampire's shoulder.


Even after the intense feelings from their earlier interactions had faded, König still felt drawn to Jae. The way Ghost was so caring towards her had him feeling almost jealous of their connection. She was so peaceful sitting in his lap, and he just wanted to be the one taking care of her and letting his love for her shine through. Seeing Soap snuggle up to Ghost like that made him feel even more jealous in contrast. This is how it looks when you truly love someone, he thought to himself, not the way I've been acting. It made him feel ashamed of his own selfishness.

"You did good." Ghost said. "You have a lot of self control when it comes to Jae." Ghost stared you down.


König felt like his face was burning as he looked up at the vampire after being complimented by him. "Really, you think so?" he mumbled back, a bit embarrassed. There were a few moments ago where he definitely felt like he was completely losing himself to his lust, so he was still surprised to hear that the vampire thought he had strong self-control. "Yeah, I definitely tried my best," he replied, feeling his face become even redder when Ghost looked him in the eyes. This really was an insane experience.

Ghost put his business card on the table, "I like you and I know my two partners want to see you again. My office address is on the card and my number. Come by next Wednesday so we can talk."


König looked down at the business card, slightly overwhelmed by the sudden offer from the vampire, but also feeling excited and interested to see what would come next. "Thank you, I'll be sure to stop by next Wednesday," he replied, still not taking his eyes off of the card as he grabbed it off the table. "Just... let me know if there's anything else I should prepare for before I come by," he added, looking back up at the three of them.

"Be at the office at 1 pm. No later." Ghost said as he stroked Jae and Soap's hair.


"Alright, I'll make sure to be punctual then," König replied, giving his thanks once again and waving before giving the three of them a little goodbye nod and walking off towards the exit. He still couldn't believe everything that had just happened, and he was still coming to terms with the events of the night, but his mind had already begun to whirl with excitement for what was to come.

Wednesday's gonna be the longest wait of my life, he thought to himself as he stepped into the bright, noisy, outside world once more.

König walked down the street towards his apartment. He couldn't help but remember he taste of Jae


The memory of her taste still hung in his mouth, and his heart was still pounding at a fast pace from everything that had just happened. A wide grin spread across his face just from the thought of it, and he couldn't resist smiling to himself as he walked.

He was still in a bit of disbelief, but he knew that what he had just felt was completely real. It was as if every time he thought he had the whole situation figured out he discovered another facet to it he hadn't even considered. This is gonna be one crazy ride, he thought.

(Time skip)

After stressing throughout the week, König woke up extra early on Wednesday so he knew he would have enough time to get to Ghost's office.


The past few days had been stressful, and now that the day was finally here, König felt an excited buzz of energy running through his body. He couldn't exactly put a name to the feelings, but it felt like the excitement he would get before an important date or some kind of job interview, mixed with a bit of anxiety.


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