Part 10

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Konig was silent for a moment, feeling a wave of disappointment wash over him as he realized he wouldn't be getting any war stories from Ghost. "Well, that's...that's fair, I suppose," he replied breathily, "I'm sorry if I brought up any uncomfortable memories...that wasn't my intention by any means."

"Well, then...then tell me've lived a long time...what have you learned about the world? What is your philosophy on life and what would you tell other people about how all this time has shaped your view of the world?"

"Humans...they are horrible and hostile people. When slavery was first would think that creatures were the real monsters. Just live life to the fullest because you never know what life brings tomorrow."


"That...that's very true," Konig replied thoughtfully, "There's so many challenges in life that can make it difficult, but you have to keep have to keep going, because...because there's always something new around the corner...and you never know when that next corner will lead to something incredible." he continued earnestly, "That's really profound...I'll try to keep that in mind, that's...that's a great thing to tell yourself...that's a great thing to try and have as your philosophy in life."

"König, come here." Ghost pointed to the seat right beside him.


Konig nodded, quickly moving to sit beside Ghost as he was told and waited anxiously to see what Ghost might want from him. Was he about to be asked about something?

"Yes, Ghost?" he asked breathily, waiting to see if the older vampire had anything he wanted to say to him.


Konig nodded, quickly moving to sit beside Ghost as he was told and waited anxiously to see what Ghost might want from him. Was he about to be asked about something?

"Yes, Ghost?" he asked breathily, waiting to see if the older vampire had anything he wanted to say to him.

Ghost placed his hand on your cheek and looked into your eyes. "Thanks for listening to me." Ghost said before he kissed you deeply. The taste of scotch scattered your mouths.


Konig blushed bright red as Ghost laid a deep kiss on him, his heart hammering in his chest as it began to race a little bit at the sudden intimacy of the action. He was a bit shocked and caught off base, but the kiss was so deeply passionate and felt so natural that he quickly returned the kiss just as deeply, wrapping his arms around Ghost as he leaned into the kiss. He let the kiss go on for several seconds, savoring how good it felt before he pulled away from the kiss with a soft breath and smiled excitedly at Ghost, a small blush still across his face.

Ghost pulled you to his lap and continued kissing you


Konig let out a soft breath as Ghost pulled him onto his lap and their mouths met once again, wrapping his arms around Ghost once again and kissing him eagerly, savoring every second of the intimate moment. He felt his heart beating out of his chest the longer the kiss continued, his breath slowly falting under the sheer excitement he was feeling.

After another few seconds, Konig started to pull away, feeling breathless from the long and deep kiss, his eyes starting to flutter as he was a bit stunned by what Ghost had just done.

Ghost's eyes were blazing red and you could see from his parted mouth that his fangs were out. You know what Ghost wants and you don't hesitate to give it to him.

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