Part 7

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"That's Ghost's mother," Konig said breathily, his heart skipping a beat in disbelief, and he glanced over at the tall, slender white woman. "Wow... so my girlfriend gets all the pretty family members, huh?" he chuckled, "Well, I'm definitely jealous..." he mused with a small smile, but he couldn't help but feel his heart beating a little faster when he saw how angry and upset she seemed with Ghost's father.

"You motherfucker! What did I tell you about hurting them?!" Ghost's mom smacked her husband across the face.


Konig let his jaw drop as he saw Ghost's mother slap his father, and he felt his heart beating faster out of shock. His anger was still there underneath it all, and at first he was about to jump up and say something, but he paused for a second, deciding to just stay out of their family conflict and let them handle it. Besides, she handled the situation fine enough.

"So then... is Jae going to be okay?" he asked, returning a little back to reality. "She's stable, right? What happened to her?"

"You fucking idiot! You're lucky you didn't drain her!" Ghost's mother continued to yell and scold the other man. Ghost ran to Jae and held her close to his chest.


Konig was still in a little bit of shock as he watched Ghost's mother scold his father, but that feeling quickly faded as he spotted how gently Ghost was taking care of Jae and holding her close to his chest. He could still barely believe any of this was really happening right now, and his heart began beating faster again just from looking at the situation, but he couldn't help but feel really happy at seeing how much Ghost was taking care of Jae right now. It made Konig feel like there just might be a happy ending to all this craziness.

After the two parents stopped arguing, ghost picked up Jae and walked to you. "Go home. Jae will be okay and I'm going to take care of everything." Ghost said then walked to the elevator.


Konig gave a small nod in response to Ghost, and he had a big smile on his face at how everything was turning out. "Okay, I'll head home. Please give Jae my best. If you ever need any help or anything then let me know, and I'm only a call away." he replied breathily, feeling so relieved as he walked over towards the elevator. "Oh, and please let Jae know that I love her, okay?" he added, feeling so much love in his heart right now as he spoke those last few words about her.

*time skip*


Konig let out a relieved sigh once he got back home and was able to take a moment of alone time to really process everything that had happened today. It all still felt like a fever dream, and he had so many mixed emotions now about everything.

The biggest feeling of all right now was that all he really wanted was to find a way to see Jae again, and he let out a sigh as he tried to think of a way to accomplish that. His first thought was to see if there was any way he could send Jae a message, or maybe get her number so he could call her.

You pulled Ghost's business card from your pocket.


Konig looked at the card for a moment and couldn't help but raise an eyebrow as he did. Ghost is a CEO? he thought to himself, his eyes quickly skimming the card to read the name and title of the company. It was definitely a surprise but he understood how a position of power like that could make a lot of things a lot easier in this sort of society. Huh...

That made him curious about exactly what types of connections and access Ghost would have to things like information through her company, and he figured that would be something he would want to talk more about with her.

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