Chapter 6: Fins In The Water

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He was dreaming — he had to be.

Shane was reclining on the same ratty green couch in the same dilapidated cabin, but the woman to his left, cocooned in the same blue Joja hoodie at least three or four sizes too large for her, was not pink haired Litha, who had derailed his full existence in less than twenty-four hours — but rather, a crystal clear image of Annemarie, who was heavily pregnant and smiling at him slyly.

"Come a little closer, Shae," she beckoned, her slim fingers walking across the cushion that separated them. "I have a secret to tell you."

He knew it wasn't real. With every fiber of his being, he knew — yet he couldn't resist the all-encompassing urge to inch closer to her. Shane might have been fascinated by Litha — maybe even a bit in lust with her — but Annemarie was, and still remained, the only woman he'd ever loved. And as he rested his head upon her swollen chest and felt her familiar fingers graze through his hair, he knew that love would likely never subside.

He placed his palm gently under the curvature of her belly, just as he had all those years ago. In the earlier days, before Jas was born, he'd actually hoped that, biologically, she would be his. It wasn't until only weeks before her birth that it had occurred to him — he'd be best off to never actually sire a child of his own. It wouldn't be fair to bring a child into this world that would inevitably inherit his habits — his means for coping. Shane couldn't bear the concept of some innocent little human being doomed before it even took its first steps, marred by his genetics, and drowned by his vices.

He looked up at Annemarie's face, and she looked peaceful — sleepy, even. "I hope she's yours, Shae," she whispered, her eyes remaining blissfully closed as her head rested against the cushion, chin tilted toward the ceiling.

For months on end, Shane had hoped to hear her say those very words. Not out of spite toward Dray — but only because he wanted to feel special. But Annemarie, ever the diplomat, never dared play favorites between the two men at her disposal. At times — primarily those of anger — Shane toyed with the idea of it all being a power play in her eyes. But once all had been righted, he'd realize that he was entirely wrong, because despite her mildly outlandish sensibilities, Annemarie was all love — so it only made sense that she had so much of that love to give.

He blinked — only once — and when his eyes opened again, Annemarie was gone, and in her place was only Litha. In a snap second, Shane realized he was awake, and as he glanced down at the flat plane of her stomach, he was jarred. He jolted away from her as an amused expression crossed her face.

"What the fuck?" He breathed, sinking back into the opposite end of the couch.

She shrugged, but Shane didn't buy it. "You were having a dream, I think," Litha said casually.

Oh, fuck. "What time is it?" Shane demanded, glancing frantically around for a clock, but only finding a sheet covered window which emitted no light.

Litha shrugged again. "Late, I bet."

"Shit," Shane groaned, pushing out of his seat. "I have to go. Now."

"Why?" Litha whined, stretching out like a cat.

He raked a hand through his hair. He just didn't fucking understand her. "Because I was supposed to take my kid to the fucking beach today."

Litha stood and removed Shane's hoodie, revealing all the planes and curves of her killer body yet again. She handed it over to him, a smirk playing at her lips as he gawked. "Well, don't let me keep you."

He snatched the sweatshirt out of her waiting hand and scowled hard as he tugged it over his head. It smelled fucking delightful, and he hated it. "Keep the chicks warm. Make sure they have food, and blankets, and space to fuck around. I'll be back tomorrow after Robin fixes that piece of shit coop," he grumbled, making for the door.

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