Chapter 10: Within And Without

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The weather had finally become cold enough for Shane to wear his hoodie again without looking like a fucking weirdo. He tried not to think about how chilly his fingers were as he kept them buried in his pockets, because paying mind to it would only give way to the urge to reach his destination faster.

Word travels fast in Pelican Town. Just as quickly as the village gossip hounds had caught wind of his involvement with the new farmer, they'd caught wind that she'd betrayed him. So, naturally, Marnie was aware of Litha's disloyalty within one day, though Shane hadn't spoken a word about it, and then the following day, Shane received a call from Ian.

"Hey, man, Olivia asked us to have you come over and move some boxes for her." Ian went quiet for a moment, and Shane could feel the conversation turning awkward. "I don't know if you're, uh —"

Shane was still in bed. It was almost 2:00PM, yet he hadn't even got up to piss. "Yeah, I'll be there," he grumbled, hanging up on Ian and fixing his eyes on the sagging ceiling fan above him.

He knew it was no coincidence that Olivia needed boxes moved today — but what he didn't know was whether or not he had it in him to make that trek across town and give her what she'd been pining for since that fucking day in her dark, eerie cellar.

As his feet carried him down Willow Lane, he realized he was about to discover just how strong of a hold Litha truly had on him.


When Shane arrived at the Jenkins' Estate, the door was slightly ajar — which Shane found surprising in contrast to the locks that Victor had undone last time Shane had visited. He peeked through the crack, and the door squeaked open further, echoing through the seemingly vacant foyer.

"Hello?" Shane called reluctantly, stepping inside and closing the door behind him. "Victor? Mrs. Jenkins?"

"Come in, Shane," he heard Olivia call from a distance, her voice carrying through the narrow halls like that of a ghost. 

His spine stiffened at the sound of her, but still, he gathered up every ounce of courage in his body, and navigated toward the stairs. The estate was quiet like a fucking tomb, and all of the thick, opaque curtains were drawn tightly, leaving the rooms dark. Once he stepped into the library, he noticed that only the sitting room to its right was illuminated, the flickering light of a fire dancing along the walls that Shane himself had painted red.

He stepped cautiously into the room, yet nothing could have prepared him for what he saw: Olivia, lying leisurely atop a bear skin rug, dressed only in black lace lingerie and glittering diamonds at her neck and ears. She unsnapped a garter strap as he approached, mischief swimming in her dark eyes as the buckle whipped against her skin. "Hello, Shane."

Shane couldn't move as he took in the sight of her, lying exposed before him while the light of the crackling fire glowed gold against her pale skin and shining black curls. She had at least fifteen years on him, but right then, he didn't give a fuck. Maybe it was only vengeance whispering in his ear, or maybe it was his mommy issues at play, but all the same, he felt himself throbbing as he passed by the couch to stand at the edge of the rug. The bear's face seemed to taunt him with its grotesquely open mouth and sharp teeth. He tried to ignore it.

Shane cleared his throat. "Are you sure you want this?"

Olivia's smile was purely sardonic as she undid the front closure of her bra. "I've wanted this since I first laid eyes on you," she purred, freeing her round and very clearly enhanced tits from her bra as she slid it off her shoulders. "I know your type, dear. Sad, lonely, depraved — low inhibitions make for a formidable lover, you see. There's a good reason why I've never remarried." She reached a hand up toward him as she ground her thighs together. "My son has gone to the city today for an array of job interviews that I arranged — I wanted the estate all to myself."

Stardew Valley - Dark Blue: When The Chickens Came Home To Roost (Shane)Where stories live. Discover now