Chapter 7: Vampire In A Red Dress

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"Do you think you'll go back to Odd Jobs any time soon, son?" Marnie asked over breakfast as Shane poured Jas a bowl of cereal. "Ian called asking after you. They have a busy week coming up, apparently."

Shane shrugged. "I thought they only needed me for SunnyVale — and I'm not going back to that damn farm." It had been days since he'd seen her last, and he was hell bent on maintaining his streak.

"I think they just need all the help they can get," she supplied.

"I'll stop by later, then," Shane replied gruffly.

Marnie nodded in approval, and the conversation died off. Shane focused extra hard on stabbing an egg yolk, trying not to give life to the nagging urge at the back of his skull. He hadn't had a drink in almost a week, and even through the tremors, headaches, body aches, and vomiting, he'd managed to avoid his vices. He was nearly out of the woods — he had to be. He'd even kept to his room for the most part, as Marnie had a habit of wanting to end his suffering by any means possible. He wouldn't put it past her to simply bring him a bottle of whisky, if only to numb his pain.

It had been almost a week since he'd stumbled home after that night at the saloon — directly after watching Litha drag that fucking pink haired guy off to the same back room she'd taken Shane himself to. That day, he'd had a resolve, and it had been going remarkably well — until he saw Litha, that is.

So, Shane got to thinking. Maybe — just maybe, if he could avoid Litha, he could keep himself in check. Granted, he'd never been able to accomplish such a task before, even prior to his knowing Litha — but Shane had convinced himself that something had clicked lately, and all that stood in his way was her. It made him sick to think that she could possibly have such a hold on him, yet all the same, it was remarkably easy to blame it all on her.

So he kept his head down. He refused to travel north of the ranch. He stayed away from the saloon. He hadn't gone back to Odd Jobs. And the morning after his last night at the bar, when Litha came knocking to inquire after him — because, like an idiot, he had promised to return the following day — Marnie simply told her that Shane wasn't feeling well. Shane had to give Litha credit where it was due — she apparently got the hint. She hadn't come knocking again.

But summer was right around the corner, and every time Shane left the house, the air felt hotter and hotter. Admittedly, he was worried for the chicks up at SunnyVale that he had essentially abandoned — potentially sealing the deal on their ritualistic death at the hands of a cum stealing, bone hoarding witch.

A few days later, he broke down — kind of.

"Hey, Marnie, can you do me a favor?" Shane asked one early morning as the two of them tended to their own chickens in the barn.

"What is it, Shane?" His aunt asked, wiping sweat from her forehead with the back of her wrist.

"Well, remember how we sold Litha those chicks a few days ago or so?"

Marnie nodded, her eyes narrowing.

"She didn't have a coop yet. She told me that Robin was coming to fix hers up the next morning, and I sort of told her that I'd come back to help her get them situated." Shane rubbed the back of his neck, melting under Marnie's glare. "Obviously, I didn't go back — and I won't. But I'm worried about those chicks. So I was thinking — maybe you could go check up on them?"

Marnie scowled, crossing her arms over her chest. "I'll go check in on them, Shane — but first, I need you to tell me what happened with that Rosenhaal girl. If those little birds are in danger, I will just take them right back."

Shane had no doubt that she'd do exactly that. Without asking, he knew that his aunt wasn't a fan of the new farmer. "Nothing happened," he lied. "I just don't think she's someone I need to be spending my time with."

Stardew Valley - Dark Blue: When The Chickens Came Home To Roost (Shane)Where stories live. Discover now