Last day in America and back to London

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Phil's POV:
When I was just going to go to bed I saw (Y/N) in my bed I decided to sleep next to her. I wrapped my hand around her waist and drifted of to sleep.

~Skip to morning

Dan's POV:
I wake up with my phone vibrating. I took it out to see a message from Anthony.

Anthony:Hey.Do you want to want to want to hang out before you go to?

Me:Yeah,sure!See you in half an hour.

Anthony:Okay,see you later!I'll pick you up.

I got dressed and writted a letter for Phil and (Y/N).
I looked over at them,they were so cute just sleeping together.
I went out of the door and waited for Anthony.
Anthony arrived in is black car.
"Hey!" "Hey,what time is your plane?" "Three p.m." "Okay."
We went to get lunch,after that we did that. We went and hang out with Mari,Flitz,Soninki,Joven and Ian.
"Oh,I need to go back now!" "Bye!" all of the group said in synchrony.
I got to the hotel room started packing. We waited for Alfie,Louise and Zoe.
After we all met up down the stairs and went into a cab to go to the airport.
"Does anyone want something for the flight or travel sickness?" "I would like a packed of Maltesers please." I said smiling.
'Gate 15 will be starting to board in 5 minutes' the voice said coming out of the speakers. After 1 minute,(Y/N) arrived.
"We should be going to the gate now."
"Yeah,I think so to!" Alfie says putting is hand on is bag.
We all went to the gate and used speedy boarding. We got on the plane and took off.

~time skip because I'm lazy

Phil's POV:
"Okay see you soon." I said to Alfie,Louise and Zoe.
"I'm so tired!!" Dan said like a child.
"Well go to bed." I say walking over to my suitcase.

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