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Your POV:
You woke up cuddling into Phil's chest with Buffy trying to wake you and Phil up.
"Hey Buffy." you say.
"Hey,Philly." you say kissing is nose.
"Hey." Phil says.
"I'm going to go feed Buffy and make breakfast." you say getting up with Buffy following you.
You walked to the kitchen and did feed Buffy.
You walked to the counter and started making waffles. You made the batter and put it in the waffle maker.
You felt some one pick you up and spin you.
"When are we having breakfast?" Phil say putting you down.
"In two minutes!" you say before the waffle maker started ringing.
"It's ready." you say taking two plates.
You put two waffles on each plate and put them on the table.
You put jam,sirup,sugar and fruit on the table also.
Two minutes later,Phil runs to the table.
"These pancakes are delicious!" Phil said finishing his last pancake.
"Good,you liked them." you replied smirking.
"I'm getting in the shower" you say getting up.
"I'm getting into." Phil said.
"Only if you wear swimming trunk and I wear a bikini,ok?" "Fine." he said getting up.
You put on you bikini and Phil but in his trunks on. You went into the shower and showered.
Time to dry,you said to yourself.
You put on black skinnys, like it us soon Halloween you put in red contact in,a black and with tank top and a red shirt to use like a jacket.
"Are you ready." Phil says.
"Yeah." You replied putting Buffy's leach on.
You walked out hand in hand to his apartment.
You walked into the building block taking the stairs like the lift was broken. You arrived in front of the door to find a note.

I'm not coming back home,don't worry (Y/N),I'm staying at Steven's for a while,Dan has cheated on me with a girl called Mya.

A tear ran down my face,how can Dan do this. I ran into the apartment block,took of Buffy's leach,into Dan's room,he was with a blonde girl. I did not care,I grabed Dan's ear and dragged him into the living room.
"How on earth can you cheat on Torry!!!" You shouted at him taking Buffy in my hands.
"Sorry!" he says back.
"Tell me why you did it?" "It's because the day I asked Torry out I was drunk ,a couple of weeks after that,I met Mya,blonde hair,brown eyes,pink highlights.Just perfect,them they had Torry,black hair,brown eyes.I preferred Mya." He said.
The girl came in the room.
"Who is that?" She said.
"This is (Y/N) and Phil,my flatmates." Dan said,Mya walks up to me and Phil.
"Hello,I'm Mya." she said,from up close we could see she had been wearing a cake of make up.
"Hello,I'm (Y/N),Phil's future wife." I said.
"Hey,I'm Phil,(Y/N) future husband." he said.
"I'm so happy for you guys but why is there a dog in the apartment?" Dan said looking at Buffy.
"Oh,this is Buffy,my friend's dog,well it's my dog like she moved out of the house and forgot Buffy." "Buffy?" Amy replied giving me the look 'WTF is that sort of name'.
"Yes,Buffy,like Buffy the vampire slayer. Buffy is staying here no matter what you say Daniel!!!" "Ok..." she said back.
"What you wanna do today?" Dan said.
"Me and Phil have planned to just play video games and wath Netflix." You say.
"Look,boo.I need to go shopping can you past a couple of pounds." She said waiting for Dan to give her the money. You hate it when people get you or give money to you.
One hour later,Mya is all dressed. She was wearing booty shorts,a very reveling tank top and boots.
"Going!" she says walking out of the door, piece until she comes back.

Hey guys hope you like the new chapter,sorry if it's short. I'm going to introduce Steven bit by bit in every chapter.
Bye. :3
Maddie X

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