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Caution this chapter may trigger you and has strong language.
our POV:
Another day in mental hospital again.
Great,another day taking meds going in to class.
What meds do I need to take today?
Ok,anxiety pill and my happy pill.
So,now uniform,put on my black skinnys,my white polo shirt,black blazer and my white trainers.
I have got math in ten minutes,time to go.
I closed the door behind me.
"Exuce me Miss.Paldom." I said.
"Ok,now go to class!" "Yes Miss.Paldom." I replied.
I ran in to class has fast as I can.
I sat down at my desk.
"So today,we will be doing geometry." Miss.Salmy said.
I got out my book,pen and geometry stuff.
"So,before we start I would like to give you your results.
"(Y/N),here!" she said,I stand up and walk to the board.
She slaps me acrose the face hard,a tear runs down my face.
"Young lady,what did I say about getting bad grades." she say pushing me into the wall.
I hit the wall and fall to the floorm
"Now,get out of my class motherfucker now.I don't want to see you in my fucking face again today!You are the shitty's humains alive." she said.
I grabed my bag and ran out of the room.
I ran back to my room,closed the door and collapsed.
I stranded up and walked to the my cabinet.
If you get triggered, please skip untill the words are not under ligned.
I grabed my blade locked my door,I pit the blade on my arm.
One cut,two cuts,three cuts and four cuts.
My cuts here bleeding. Tears running down my face.

I woke up sweating. I felt the urge to cut. Put I promised my self that I wouldn't anymore when I was adopted.
Ahhhh. I got up and got my little soft ball and sqeezed it hard. A couple minutes later,the urge was gone. (If you are trying to stop self harming and you get the urge to do it,sqeezed a little soft ball.It works! :3). I realized that I was starving time to make some breakfast.
I'm making now vegan meals like now Dan is a vegan. I made pancakes. Now time to put the spreades on the table.
I put jam,white sugar,bronw sugar. I put the orange juice on the table and started the coffee machine.
I went to wake up Phil first.
"Babe,wake up I made pancakes!" "Mmmm.Pancakes." Phil said sitting up.
"Yes but first let's wake up Dan and Torry." "Ok." he replied.
We walked to their room. We opened the door to see to naked bodies.
"Ahh,my eyes!" You and Phil scream.
Dan and Torry cover them self with the duvet.
"I made pancakes." you say walking away. I sat down on a chair waiting for Phil. Finally Phil comes in and five minutes later,Dan and Torry did.
Torry sat down and said.
"I think that I might be pregnant because Dan did not use a condom." "What?" you and Phil said.
"Well last night we were drunk,we had sexs and we did not use protection." they say becoming red.

Bye guys!

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