The video that made a sh!t storm

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Your POV:
Awkarde silence landed,Phil broke the silent by saying.
"Yeah,we heard." Dan and Torry's faces turn even redder.
"So,what are you all doing today." Torry says.
"I'm making cover video." you say.
"On what song." Dan asked.
"On kiss me by Ed Sheran." you replie.
"Can I help!" Phil says. "Yeah sure." you replie.
You got ready and whent sett up the camera.
You got your guitar on sat the bed.
"One,two,three." you counted down to tell Phil to press the record button.
"Hey guys,so today,I'm doing a cover on kiss me by Ed Sheran.So lets go."
You said.
You started playing your guitar.

Settle down with me
Cover me up
Cuddle me in

Lie down with me
And hold me in your arms

And your heart's against my chest, your lips pressed to my neck
I'm falling for your eyes, but they don't know me yet
And with a feeling I'll forget, I'm in love now
"Kiss me like you wanna be loved
You wanna be loved
You wanna be loved
This feels like falling in love
Falling in love
We're falling in love

Settle down with me
And I'll be your safety
You'll be my lady

I was made to keep your body warm
But I'm cold as the wind blows so hold me in your arms

Oh no
My heart's against your chest, your lips pressed to my neck
I'm falling for your eyes, but they don't know me yet
And with this feeling I'll forget, I'm in love now

Kiss me like you wanna be loved
You wanna be loved
You wanna be loved
This feels like falling in love
Falling in love
We're falling in love

Yeah I've been feeling everything
From hate to love
From love to lust
From lust to truth
I guess that's how I know you
So I hold you close to help you give it up

So kiss me like you wanna be loved
You wanna be loved
You wanna be loved
This feels like falling in love
Falling in love
We're falling in love

Kiss me like you wanna be loved
You wanna be loved
You wanna be loved
This feels like falling in love
Falling in love
We're falling in love" you did sing.
Before you knew it Phil went and kissed you and said.
"Kiss me like you wanna be loved." he whispered.
You kissed back.
"I love you." you said.
"I love you more." he said.
"I should go edit." you said grabbing your camera.
You edited and asked Phil if they should edit out when they kiss.
He said to leave it.
You uploaded it to YouTube.
You went on Tumblr to find already gifs of you and Phil kissing.
10 minutes later your twitter and Tumblr is just of you and Phil.
'Dam,that video has made a sh!t storm' you say to your self.
You walked to the kichen to make dinner. You decide to make a vegan curry and to do a younow at the same time.

A/N:Hey guys,hope you like the new chapter,I will not be posting more often because I'm working on two new book.
Bye bye people on the internet! :3

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