Chapter 2

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"It's not much," Steven said as he fumbled about in his satchel, looking for his door keys, "and it's a bit of a mess. Didn't think you'd say yes to coming over so I didn't really clean."

"That's ok, really," you said. The two of you were standing in the hallway, outside his flat, and you watched as he searched about in his bag. He'd been nervous the whole walk over, talking non-stop about how you really didn't have to be here. But you'd shaken your head and firmly told him that you were happy to be.

Eventually he found the key, slotted it in the lock and opened the door, leading you in to an attic converted into a studio apartment. Needless to say, you loved it. The high ceilings, the patterned rug...

"The books," you breathed, staring in awe at the massive shelves and collection he had amassed. But then you were distracted by the fish tank in the middle of the room and you squealed. "Is this Gus?" you asked, rushing up to the tank and watching in glee as the little gold fish swum around in circles at your presence.

"The man himself," Steven said, tapping on the glass. "I think he likes you."

You beamed. "Really?"

"You wanna feed him?" he asked, shrugging off his jacket and grabbing the fish food. You nodded eagerly and he handed you the tub, and you sprinkled some in the tank, watching as Gus chased the food.

"Very cute," you commented, watching Steven in the reflection as he tousled his windswept hair. Then your eyes focused through the glass instead, and you wandered over to Steven's bed. Sand circled it and an ankle restraint was around a pillar of wood holding the poster bed up, locked securely with a bicycle lock. You tugged at it. Very secure.

"I must seem crazy, huh," Steven said, rubbing the back of his neck as he watched you fiddle with the lock. 

"You undo this in your sleep?"


"The only crazy that is, is crazy impressive," you said. "But no, you're not crazy." You perched yourself on the end of his bed, feeling the sand in your toes as you kicked off your shoes.

"It's a bit early for sleep innit love," Steven said, hovering in the middle of his room. He clearly wasn't used to company. "D'you wanna play a game or read or..." he trailed off, glancing around his library of an apartment, trying to think of what to do that didn't involve books.

Luckily you had planned ahead, and you pulled out of your bag a trilogy of DVDs. "You wanna order food and binge watch The Mummy?"

"You mean the most historically inaccurate portrayal –" he corrected himself, "- betrayal, of Egyptology ever."

"And we can find every single mistake and go gooey eyed over Brendan Fraser... Or at least, I can," you grinned, and a smile graced his face.

"Pizza sound good?"

"Pizza sounds great." You watched as he grabbed his phone.

"Hey, you mind if I change into something more comfy?" you asked and he nodded eagerly, pulling back the shower curtain that cut off the bathroom from the rest of the apartment. You slipped behind and pulled it back, quickly shimmying out of your work clothes and into comfy PJ's. You listened to Steven order as you did. You didn't know what it was about his voice, not the accent nor the words he said, but something that made you never want to stop hearing it. You'd kill just to have him read off groceries. When you were changed you pulled back the curtain. Steven had also decided to change; he was in a pair of grey sweats and pulling a blue jumper over his head. From the all too quick glance you got, you could see that he was physically fit. It surprised you. Sure, Steven was healthy, but he didn't seem like the gym enthusiast type. He turned around and blushed when he saw you, getting flustered as he yanked his sweater sleeves over his hands. After all the months you'd known each other, he still got flustered.

"Pizza will be 20 minutes love," he said. "Make yourself at home."

"Thanks," you said, and wandered over to his shelves, reading the titles. You were happy in silence, but noticed Steven awkwardly hanging around, like he needed to play host.

"You sure you're alright with this?" he asked suddenly, pulling at his sleeves. You turned to him.

"You can ask me as many times as you need, the answers always gonna be the same. I'm more than alright."

"Ok," he said, walking towards his kitchen. He stood on his tiptoes to pull a couple of plates off the top shelf, set them down lightly on the counter, and said:

"One more time then."

"I'm very happy to be here," you said, walking over to the counter and leaning across it, watching as he gave the plates a rinse. "I'm serious Steven. You're my best friend, and there's no where else I'd rather spend my night."

You watched his shoulders relax, his back untense like you'd finally convinced him. He slid the plates onto the rack, and as he did, the doorbell run.

"I got it!" you called, skipping to the door. You brought in the two pizzas, and Steven laid out two places on the counter.

"We can eat here or eat and watch the film," he said, and you playfully snatched the pizzas up, wandering towards the tv. 

"I vote both." 


The film went by without a hitch, and Steven had all but relaxed into the situation as the two of you curled up on the bed, until you let out a remarkably large yawn. He glanced at you and you smacked your hand to your mouth.

"I'm not tired," you insisted as he frowned.

"Love, I won't sleep if you're tired. I can stay awake." 

"Absolutely not," you replied. "You're sleeping tonight Steven Grant, end of story." You slipped off the bed, stretching out your stiffened limbs, and collected up the pizza boxes. When he tried to get off the bed, you looked at him sternly. "Nope, under the covers mister," you said, and he nodded, turning off The Mummy. 

"There's a roll of blue tape love, on the table." He pointed to the wooden table by the front door. "I normally put a piece on the door, so I know if I've opened it." You nodded and picked up the tape, doing up all the locks on the door and covering them with the tape. When you were done, Steven had already secured himself to the bed, double checking the strength of the restraint with a tug. It rattled as he moved his foot, but he seemed used to it.

"And the sand?" you asked, motioning to the footprints in it. 

"There's more in the box on the shelf," he said, kicking his head towards the shelf beneath Gus' tank. You grabbed it and smoothed out the sand, sprinkling on some more until their were no footprints left.

"That everything?" you asked, and Steven nodded with shame. You sighed, and stepped over the sand with a knee on the bed. "I understand why you feel the way you do about this. But there's no need for shame. If anything, you should be proud. You asked for help, and that's the hardest thing to do. Not that you need it, because there's nothing wrong with you."

Steven, who until that point had been picking rather anxiously at his nails, looked up at you gratefully.

"You're a really kind person y/n," he said. "Thanks. I appreciate it." 

"You're most welcome," you answered, leaping back over the sand and dragging an arm chair over to the side of the bed. "I'll be here, and I'll be awake all night. So go to bed, and have sweet dreams, and I'll see you in the morning."

Steven slid down the bed, pulling the covers up over him. "Thanks, love," he said. "G'night." 

"Goodnight," you said, and you too settled down, picking a random book from the shelf and placing it across your lap, whilst hoping for an uneventful night. 

You thought you knew everything there was to know about Steven; in fairness, so did he. You loved him the way he was - he was one of the greatest friends you could have asked for, and there was nothing that could surprise you about him. That was until one weird, weird day that changed your friendship with him forever.

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