Chapter 9

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a/n: This chapter is a bit ✨spicy✨ so if it's not your thing, skip ahead to Chapter 10! 

Being pressed up against Marc for five hours without a break was great, but you didn't dare tell him that. You wondered how he didn't get tired with you in his arms, your legs wrapped around his waist. But he seemed fine, save the fact that he'd barely said a word to you, except for occasionally checking your comfort. His arms held you tightly, hands splayed across your back, and you almost fell asleep listening to his steady heartbeat. 

When you landed in Cairo, he led you through the streets like they were more familiar than London, to a small hotel he'd obviously frequented before as the owner gave him a friendly nod and handed him a key without so much as a question. 

"I've always wanted to go to Egypt," you said, giddily pushing the curtain opens to your room. You didn't get much of a response from Marc as he threw a rucksack on the bed, and further frowned as he chose to ignore you. You decided to let him cool off for a minute; you knew he wasn't happy with you being in Cairo. You weren't sure why, but hoped that in time he'd be more accustomed to you. You sat out on the balcony for a while, watching the crowds, until the heat got the better of you and you had to seek refuge in the air conditioned room.

You pushed yourself through the curtains and let out a surprised, "huh," coming to a realisation as you watched Marc do a row of push ups.

"What?" he asked.

"I always wondered how Steven had abs." Marc raised his eyes at you, his bare abs flexing slightly. "What? Steven's never exercised a day in his life. I'm not flirting. It's an observation... that I would like to keep observing."

"You don't even know me," he said, stopping immediately and standing up. You were taken aback. You didn't think he'd react in such a way. 

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean anything by it," you apologised immediately. "It's just, it's gonna take me a little time to get my head around the two people, one body thing."

"For fucks sakes y/n, why are you even here?" he asked suddenly, and the blunt change of subject made you stutter.

"I... I just -"

"-Wanna support Steven, I know, but I'm not Steven. He's not here right now. So why are you?"

"Why are you so angry?"

"Because of you," he shouted. "You shouldn't be here. It's not safe, and all you're gonna do is get hurt, and I don't wanna... I can't... fuck!" He swung his arm out emphatically and it hit the table, sending it crashing to the ground. You jumped backwards and tears sprung to your eyes, the noise bringing back memories you hadn't thought of in a while. Memories that you'd once confided in Steven about, and so presumed that Marc knew. His eyes instantly softened and took a step towards you but you backed away.

"Don't," you begged. "Please don't." Marc, looking suddenly angry at himself, slowly lifted the table, and moved away.

"I'm sorry baby," Marc said, sitting on the floor, resting his back against the bed. You were angry, but you couldn't blame him.

"It's okay," you decided, taking a deep breath. "I'm uh... I'm gonna take a shower," you said, unwilling to sit through Marc's rage. You knew he meant you no harm, and couldn't begin to understand what it must be like to have to people sharing one mind. You walked quickly the bathroom, shutting the door quietly. You took a shower – a long, long shower – hoping that Marc would be calmer when you were done. You didn't know what warranted such anger. You knew that you could be a help to him, and wished he'd see it that way. 

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