Chapter 18

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Holy shit.

Holy fucking shit.

Holy... there were no words.

"You alright love?" Steven asked as Marc, his touch still tender, pulled your shirt back down over your head.

You nodded, leaning back into him, legs trembling. "Never better sweetheart," you mumbled. "Who knew death could make you feel so alive." He chuckled, kissing you neck lightly. Then, when Marc grabbed your underwear, Steven wrapped his arms around your waist and lifted you from the ground, allowing Marc to dress you. He peppered your body with kisses - legs, thigh, stomach, chest, until he was level with your face, and he kissed you once, gingerly, on the lips.



"So are we baby," he said, and you knew that if Marc was alive his chest would be rising and falling rapidly. You wondered if, despite being in their own bodies, Marc and Steven still had some psychic connection. The way he said that they were both tired; sure it was obvious just by looking at them, but then again Steven always looked tired. 

Steven's grip loosened as he nudged you into Marc's open arms. He happily embraced you, holding you up as Steven grabbed some spare sheets from the shelves that surrounded you.

"Different body, same idea," he said, spreading them across the floor. 

"You sure its safe?" you asked, surprised that the whole of the Egyptian underworld hadn't heard the three of you.

"We'll keep you safe," Marc said, "get some sleep whilst we still can." You nodded, allowing the two of them to guide you to the ground. Steven lay in front of you and you pressed yourself up against his back, hands and legs curled around him protectively. Marc did the same of you, pressing his lips against the back of your neck, before snuggling into your back.

You weren't sure how many hours had past, and for a long while you didn't want to sleep, instead choosing to savour the fact that you were with Marc and Steven at the same time. It would never happen again, and that saddened you, but instead of thinking of the future, whatever future you may have, you focused on the present. That was until you started to feel a strange sensation. You sat up and Steven noticed your restlessness as you withdrew your limbs from him.

"You alright?" he whispered as you put a finger to your lips, listening to Marc's gentle snores. You shrugged.

"I feel... Weird," you answered and he turned to you.

"Was it something we did love?"

"No," you quickly assured him, kissing his shoulder. "I feel..." you trailed off as you suddenly felt a heartbeat in your chest. "Alive?" And then suddenly, as you looked into his eyes, you were no longer looking at him – Marc was no longer behind you – you were no longer in their afterlife – and after some weird out of body-esque dream where you saw your own heart fling itself back into your body, you woke up with a start inside the tomb of Alexander the Great.

"Come on y/n," you heard and you felt a pain as someone pushed against your chest. "Wake up. Wake u--"  You coughed up a great amount of blood, retching and flinging your body forward, only to be caught by a pair of hands as you blindly reached forward. "y/n?" Layla exclaimed as she stopped your head from hitting the tiles. "You're ok. I've got you." As your eyes opened and you saw Layla and the tomb, you cried out.  

"Layla!" Hugging her tightly, tears sprung in both of your eyes, and you were so grateful that she was there. As you pulled away, you groaned at your own movement, noticing the dirt across her clothes, and cuts and bruises across her body. "What happened to you?" 

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