Chapter 6

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You woke up with a start as the door to Steven's apartment shut, and he walked in. You were pretty sure it was Steven; in the short time you'd known Marc, you noticed that his hands hung comfortably by his sides, whereas Steven tended to fiddle with his fingers.

"Steven?" you said cautiously.

"Mornin' love," he said glumly. "Well, that's it. I got the sack."

"Aww Steven," you sympathised, "I'm so sorry."

"S'ok, I don't blame 'em. I'm a vandal. I should've been arrested," he said and you shook your head roughly.

"No, you're not. It was..." you trailed off and caught his eye and he frowned.

"I don't remember getting home last night," he said. "I saw security footage of you and me walking out but... that wasn't me."

"Both of us?" you said. "Am I fired too?"

"No," he said, "I – he. We?... Covered your face. Donna knew who you were but she said you were under my 'bad influence,'" he quotation marked.

"How could they fire you. Didn't they see the... the..." you couldn't bring yourself to say jackal. Steven shook his head.

"Security cams caught nothing," he said sadly.

"Steven, I still don't understand what's going on with you," you said, "but I'm with you, and whatever it is, we'll get through it. We just gotta get some answers, somehow." You looked at Stevens reflection in the mirror, so did he, but there was no second person.

"The key, that's worth exploring, isn't it? Like, if I could find that storage locker, that might be my one chance to prove to myself that I'm not mad. Prove to us both." You nodded at his sudden burst of enthusiasm.

"Tell me what you find sweetheart," you said and his positivity dipped.

"You're not coming?" he asked, anxiously twiddling his fingers. You shook your head.

"I've still got a job," you said quietly, "and I'm determined to get yours back."

"y/n..." Steven said.

"Just let me try," you said. "I'll see you later, yeah?"

"Yeah," he said, taking the key off the table. "Laters gators." You waved him off.


When you returned home from work, unsuccessfully securing Steven's job, you could hear him talking. It was unusual for him to have company – you were his only friend. You opened the door and two people turned to look at you.

"y/n," Steven said, "this is..."

"DC Fitzgerald and DC Kennedy," Kennedy said.

"And what are you doing here?" you asked, narrowing your eyes.

"We were here because he's in possession of a stolen item," Fitzgerald said, "but then we found this." He held up a passport. "Marc Spector?"

"That's not mine," Steven said quickly and you looked at him worriedly.

"Funny that. Fella looks just like you."

"Look, I don't know how to explain what's happening," he said, and you noticed Steven's reflection change.

"Steven," Marc warned.

"I don't expect you to believe me."

"Steven, listen to me."

"I honestly don't really believe it myself. All I can do is try..."

"You're making a mistake."

"... and show you what I found."

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