The Bloodbath #2

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I'm genuinely sorry about this chapter. I've been having the WORST writer's block this whole week and school is making me want to cry. There will probably be a while until the next chapter. Take care loves.

I stepped off the platform just as the clock turned 0. If I had stepped off any earlier the mines would've blown me up. I ran faster than ever before. All the early morning runs and sprints would finally pay off. I heard the other tribute's feet clatter against the ground as we all sprinted towards the weapons. There was only one thing I was looking for and that was the knives. I needed them more than anything in here. They would give me the advantage to kill even the strongest tributes in the arena.

Nothing felt real as I passed by bags after bags without any sight of the knives. It felt like I was seeing everything in slow motion. Loud screams filled the valley with a terrifying echo, it slowly died out as they lost their lives and stopped screaming. I could see out of the corner of my eye how Glimmer was hovering over another blonde girl. She was stabbing the girl repeatedly and I've never seen her like this. Glimmer had always been so calm and... girly.. But this was something else. It seemed like she liked killing the girl as a smile grew bigger and bigger on her graceful face. Glimmer ended the girl's life after some time by slitting her throat. Blood was pumping out from the girl's neck and Glimmer wiped the blood off her knife on her sleeve. I had to feel the rush she was currently experiencing. This is what I've been working every second of my life for.

I realised I had stopped looking for the weapons and was instead staring at the girl with the viscous smile. I snapped out of it and saw a stack with knives laying only a few feet away. Everyone else was busy with killing each other or trying to get supplies so I hurried over and started stacking the knives in my vest. Finally the moment to prove myself has come. I looked around me, trying to find someone who was worth my time. That's when I saw her. Katniss, the girl from 12. She had fallen to the ground with an orange bag tight in her grip. The boy from 9 was walking towards her with an axe and I couldn't let him kill her. Ever since I first noticed her on the parade day all I could think about was the moment I would kill her. I wouldn't let a nobody strike her and take my glory, so I threw one of my knives in his back. He fell lifeless down beside the girl and she looked at me with the most terrified expression I've ever seen. My heart pumped faster and faster, and I felt the adrenaline taking over. I raised my hand and threw the knife. It flew straight through the air but she saw it coming and held the bag as a shield. The girl quickly got up on her feet and started sprinting towards the woods. I couldn't let her get away so I rushed after her even though I knew she was too far gone.

I kicked myself as she disappeared through the bushes. There's no way she got away from this. The hate towards the brown haired girl only grew stronger each day. I hated how she made me look. She made me appear weak and inexperienced. How did someone from district 12 manage to get away from someone who's been training their whole life for this. Embarrassing. I walked back towards the cornucopia where the other's were starting to clean off their weapons. There were bloody bodies lying everywhere, it was a good start.

Glimmer got up from the boy she had brutally stabbed. Her hair was messy and her always carefully neat face was covered in blood. We all stood in a circle with our weapons ready to kill if someone decided to attack. I didn't trust any of them, not even Cato. It had happened before, careers turning on each other already in the bloodbath. It would be an embarrassing way to go, killed by your own alliance because you didn't watch your back. We would turn on each other eventually, so there was no point in letting the wall down and trust them now for them to just kill you tomorrow.

Marvel was the first one to put his weapon away. Marina and Cato followed him shortly after, leaving only Glimmer and I with ours up. She looked at me stubbornly and I knew she could feel how much I wanted to kill her. I didn't trust her, and I wouldn't let her of all people kill me. It was a fate worse than anything else.

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