The Tracker Jackers #2

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Ugh finally I had the time to write this. Y'all better appreciate it cuz this took the whole day to write. 

!TW self harm!

I hungrily tore apart the dried meat they had sent us, or well.. sent to Glimmer. We had all started to get why she acted the way she did, but we never spoke about it. Instead we sat quietly and enjoyed the food. We spent the afternoon by the river. Some of us tanned in the afternoon sun and some of us were watching out for enemies. I patiently waited for the sun to set so we could seek cover in the shadows while tracking the other tributes. There were some doubts Lover boy would ruin it all for us with his clumsy feet. Everyone would be able to hear him from miles away. I hadn't let him out of my sight since we found him. He made Cato and me look like fools in front of our district. The only way to redeem ourselves was to kill him and his love, but first - we had to find her.

I was sharpening my knife when we spotted a light somewhere far into the woods. We all jumped to our feet, packed the bags and ran towards it. Cato was leading the troupe while I was having it's back. Marvel was running in front of me with his spear pressed against Lover boy's back, one wrong turn and the spear would penetrate his heart. Cato suddenly stopped and I knew we were close to the moron lighting the fire. I couldn't believe someone was so stupid. We spread out and made sure we surrounded them completely before approaching. I could see the silhouette of a single girl warming herself from the fire. She seemed too focused on rubbing her hands together than looking out for dangers. The girl probably thought she was safe in the dark. Ever believing you were safe in the arena is the biggest mistake you could ever make, and she would pay for that mistake with her life.

I took a step towards the girl. She was facing me so it would be harder to strike her, but definitely not impossible. My knife would fly across the air before she could even realise we were there. It would take the fun away but at least it would be effective. My thoughts were interrupted as I saw Glimmer stepping out from the shadows behind the girl. I immediately recognized the sword she was holding. Cato's. Did he give it to her? Why would he do that? He had been working his ass off to get here, why would he let some random girl get his kill? I was confused and all kinds of questions were swirling in my head.

I watched as Glimmer pushed the sword in the girl's chest. She started screaming and begged Glimmer not to kill her. The expression changed in Glimmer's face and even in the dark I could see the smile starting to spread as she pushed the sword through the girls' body until she stopped screaming. Her lifeless body was resting on the sword and she fell to the ground as Glimmer slowly removed the metal from her stomach. I realised Glimmer and I weren't so different after all. She enjoyed this just as much as I did. We started cheering and screaming. The first kill outside the bloodbath and it was only the first night. Maybe this wouldn't be so bad, maybe my parents wouldn't be embarrassed every time they watched. Suddenly Glimmer dropped the sword and jumped into Cato's arms. He spun her around and they looked so in love i wanted to kill myself with my own knife. Glimmer and I were nothing alike. She was weak and relied on Cato to save her. Too bad he would choose me over her any day, or at least I hope he would.

Cato picked up the dead girl's body after we decided to camp by her fire for the night. It was cold and we had to sleep if we wanted our strength back. He and Glimmer started walking towards the valley we had passed earlier that night. I didn't trust her with him, he was down so bad he wouldn't even see her knife coming. Without them noticing I quietly followed on a safe distance. They started mocking the girl from earlier and laughed as Glimmer did an imitation. The light from the moon was shining on them as they stepped out into the valley. I noticed how they bumped into each other as they walked. She asked him how long we were going to keep Lover boy and for some reason I got mad. Why did she think Cato was the leader of this group? She should've asked when the rest of us were there.

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