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Y'all really thought I would leave you with that ending??? And also.. I GOT TICKETS FOR TAYLOR SWIFT!? Now, this is goodbye. I truly can't describe how much every single one of you means to me. Thank you.

I stroke Sunshine's golden fur. She looked at me with calm brown eyes and gave my hand a light push. I had named her after the girl who had saved my life, something I would never be able to pay back. She stepped closer and playfully messed up my bun. Blonde hair fell loose, but I didn't hurry to fix it like I would have all those years ago.

I closed the gate and watched out over the other horses. They were grazing peacefully in the golden afternoon sun. I walked back to the big ranch house me and my wife got after the rebellions finally won the war. I still got nightmares from what I had to go through during that time. Thankfully it's all over and I've never been this happy before. I thought I wanted fame and glory but all this time all I wanted was.. Love. I wanted people to like me for who I was without having to prove anything from them.

Rory, our dog greeted me at the door with a tail wag and a kiss. I laughed and petted her belly. She got tired of it after a while and went to the Chicken Coop to see if there were any chickens she could run after. I opened the creaking door and stepped into the mudroom. A mirror reflected my tired eyes and some light wrinkles. I looked happy though, with sun bleached hair and freckles adorning my cheeks and nose. I still had the scars from the games and from the rebellion. It's almost unbelievable how it's been 10 years since I was reaped.

I stepped into the kitchen where a big vase with sunflowers was standing on the counter. Beside it was a note saying "Meet me on the porch ". I smelled the flowers before I walked through the house to reach the porch.

A light breeze greeted me when I stepped out onto the porch. The sun was just about to set and it painted the sky pink and golden. It was the prettiest sunset I've seen in a long time. I looked around and saw my wife sitting in the hanging chair. She was wrapped in a fluffy blanket and petted the seat beside her for me to sit down. I walked over and sat down as she put the blanket over my shoulders. We watch the twins playing in the backyard. They had just got a swingset for their third birthday. The boys were taking turns on pushing each other on the swing. They were laughing and their laughs reminded me so much of the ones we had named them after.

"Marvel asked for a ride on Sunshine tomorrow" the girl beside me said. I changed my focus to her and couldn't help but smile. We had tried to introduce the twins to the horses since birth but they had never shown any interest in it. "Of course, I'll take him with me tomorrow" I said with a big smile. She laughed and kissed my cheek. We curled up more as the warm sun disappeared behind the trees. "Are you taking Cato with you then?" I asked. She nodded and everything felt perfect. Stars started appearing on the sky and I pointed at one that looked like a heart. But the girl wasn't looking at the stars, she was looking at me. "I love you" she said and kissed me softly. After all these years, those words never failed to fill my stomach with butterflies. "I love you Clove". 

The Girl With The Shimmering SmileWhere stories live. Discover now