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One of the prisoners ran off, leaving only two left. Rick let them live and they were to stay in cell block D. Now, we were just waiting for Hershel to wake up. "Daddy?" Maggie spoke up, voice quivering as she looked at the man.

Beth joined her, letting out a laugh of relief as he began to blink his eyes open, looking at them. I smiled, glad to see Hershel was going to be fine for he had become a major figure in the group. Whether it be his medical treatment, knowledge, wisdom, advice, or even to be a father figure... he was there.

I know Rick looks to him for a lot of answers and his opinion on subjects, much like he did with Daryl, he cares what Hershel thinks. So, to say his theory of cutting Hershel's leg off before he could die from the bite, was the right call in the heat of the moment. And now we know we can save people, so long as we can stop the virus from spreading to the rest of the body by amputation.

We thought it best to give the family some time alone and slowly left the cell. I went to my own cell, sitting down with a heavy sigh as the day's events caught up with me. Finding the prison, Hershel being bit, the prisoners, seeing Hershel will be just fine... it's a lot to take in during such a short period of time.

I rubbed my eyes, relaxing my tense muscles, as a smile spread across my face. We finally have food, we didn't lose anybody, a place to sleep and feel safe- a place to call home... for however long that'll be.

I glanced down to the ax in my hand, frowning at the blood coating it, remembering that it was used to cut Hershel's leg off. Standing up, I walked out of my cell and down the stairs.

"Where're you goin'?" Daryl asked, glancing down to the ax I held in my hand.

Realizing what it must've looked like, I brought it up into the air. "Nothing, just to clean this off." I dropped my arm back down beside me. "Normally I wouldn't care if it was dirty, but-" I looked down at it, not bothering to finish my sentence.

"It was used on Hershel." He finished for me, causing me to nod.

"Yeah, that..." I trailed off. I didn't know what else to say before I changed the subject, not wanting to think about it. "I'm just glad that guy is gone, who knows what would've happened if he was here with us." Especially with us women around. I thought, thinking back to what he said earlier. "Luckily Rick dealt with it."

"I would've put an arrow through his head had Rick not got to him first." Daryl muttered.

I gave a sly smirk before mimicking Rick. "Shit happens." Satisfied at the annoyed huff, I walked off, continuing my mission.

As the majority of our group began clearing out the yard of bodies, I sat in C block with Carl as Beth and Lori went to get some crutches for Hershel.

Hearing the door, the both of us looked to see Beth and Lori back, sporting a pair of crutches. "Daddy, don't push yourself." Beth told the man as he began to get up.

"What else am I going to do?" Hershel asked sarcastically, pushing himself up onto his foot, earning a chuckle from me. He can't just stand up on his feet Beth, he's gotta push himself up.

He grabbed the crutches from Lori, testing out his balance. "I can't stand looking at the bottom of that bunk anymore-" He lost his balance for a moment, the two grabbing him quickly. Taking a moment, he regained his balance before making his way out the cell.

"Take it slow, Hershel. It's only been a week." I reminded him, keeping an eye on him.

"You know, I think I'm pretty steady." Hershel spoke up, looking at us.

I gave him a smile, looking at the others. "I'll go tell everyone Hershel's up. And I mean up and walking, not just awake." I winked at the old man before making my way out of the prison.

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