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SORA looked herself up and down in her mirror. She was wearing a pair of loose fitted denim jeans and a black long sleeved t-shirt with Sunghoon's white jersey on top of it. She wore simple jewelry such as small silver hoops and her silver necklace that she never removes.

"The jersey looks good on you." Sunghoon complimented as he sat on the edge of her bed, smiling up at her.

Sora blushed softly and turned to look away from her reflection and at the brunette boy.

He was wearing his football uniform which was a pair of white shorts, his jersey and white, knee high socks.

Even though he was wasn't wearing anything too fashionable, Sora couldn't help but find him more than attractive.

Sunghoon reached his hand out and held Sora's hand, pulling her closer to stand between his legs. He placed her hands on his shoulders as his gently placed on her hips.

"Sunghoon, what are we?" Sora nervously asked, avoiding eye contact which made the boy chuckle under his breath.

The question had been playing on Sora's mind for a while. There was constant physical touch between them, and the glint in their eyes from when they would look at each other spoke more than words itself.

Sora was fed up of the continuous feeling of nervousness that would be well up in her stomach when she was around the Park boy, and the lump in her throat that would form from the close proximity between them would drive her insane.

"What do you want us to be?" He softly asked, removing his one hand from her hip and lightly caressing the scar on her cheek.

A flustered breath passed Sora's lips as her lips parted slightly. Sunghoon easily noticed her shyness and he smirked before slowly standing.

Their eyes connected as Sora looked up at the taller boy. His eyes were sharp as he stared down at her and softly rubbed his thumb across her cheek. His eyes moved from the girls brown eyes and down to her pink lips.

The air was thick, and Sora felt her stomach turn and it felt as if her heart was jumping out of her chest.

Sunghoon leaned down abruptly, so that their lips were only inches apart and Sora instantly shut her eyes, anticipated the long awaited kiss.

Though, Sora found herself opening her eyes slowly, only to be met with Sunghoon's brown ones and his infamous smirk.

"We're going to be late." His tone was teasing and he stood up properly, before grabbing Sora's handbag and then placing a hand around her waist. "Let's go."

Sora slightly nodded and once she finished locking up her apartment, the two soon began making their way to the game.

The atmosphere was loud and crazy. There were over a hundred people on the bleachers excitedly cheering for the game to start.

Sora's eyes landed on Dohee who was stood amongst the crowd with a massive smile on her face. The Choi girl couldn't help but notice the jersey with the number '04' on it that Dohee was wearing, and it made her smile at the thought of her best friend and Jungwon.

"Sunghoon, come on!" The two heard the yells of his teammates beckoning him over and they both looked over at the six boys.

"Good luck." Sora grinned up at the boy who smiled widely. The two soon bid their goodbyes to one another, before parting ways.

Sunghoon jogger onto the pitch and Sora walked over to where Dohee was standing on the bleachers.

"Why are your cheeks so rosy?" Sora chuckled and Dohee sheepishly licked her lips.

"It's just hot." She shrugged, Sora not believing her one bit.

The football game had soon began, and so far Sunghoon's team was leading with twelve - seven.

Sora clenched her hands together nervously as she watched as Sunghoon ran with the ball. The Park boy quickly passed to Niki when Ej was about to tackle him.

The younger boy was fast with catching the ball and was about to race off when Maki stuck out his foot in front of him, making Niki fall to the floor with a grunt.

Niki's painful groans could be heard and he rolled around on the floor in agony.

"Ref!" Jay yelled for the referee who was now jogging over to the crowd of boys that were now huddling around Niki.

The crowd watched as the referee made an 'X' with his arms, declaring that there would be no consequences for Maki.

Yells erupted throughout the pitch from the audience and the anger on the players face was evident.

The rage that Niki was feeling was shown on his face as he got up from the floor in a flash and went to go after Maki, but was held back by Jay.

Though, the blond got out of Jay's hold and shoved Maki to the floor. The boy quickly got back up and shoved Niki back, who went stumbling into Jay's chest.

Yells were shared between the two teams and Sora watched nervously as Sunghoon stood beside Jay who was busy shouting at K.

"He'll be fine." Dohee reassured the worrying Sora, who slightly nodded.

After a few more minutes of the boys arguing, there was a clap of lightning in the air and thunder rumbling after it before it was followed by a bucket load of rain came crashing down and angry and annoyed groans came from the crowed.

All of a sudden, Dohee doubled over in pain, holding her her head. The action caused Sora's eyes to widen and she placed a hand on the girls shoulder in panic.

Soon after, a few more groans were heard coming from the pitch and Sora looked over to the field where she saw Sunghoon, Jay, Jake, Jungwon, Sunoo, Heeseung and Niki crying out in pain while clutching onto their head.


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