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Revised/updated: 9.8.23

The wards rippled and James Potter jumped up from the lounge, his wife, Lily Potter right behind him. "Lily he's here! Grab the boys and run! Out the back door and just keep running and if you can, contact Albus!" James shouted as he positioned himself at the door, wand ready for a fight he's sure to lose.

Lily stood there, watching as her husband prepared himself to fight the Dark Lord. Tears welled up in her eyes as she turned and fled up the stairs, to the twins room.

She burst into the room and saw her two boys sleeping peacefully, unbeknownst to the danger that's coming. Ryder Potter lay in the crib closest to the door while his brother, Harry Potter, lay in the crib on the other side of the wall.

Lily walked over and stood in front of both cribs, tears flowing down her face as she watched her babies sleeping. A whimper sounded on her right and she glanced over and saw Harry stirring.

Before Lily could move over to her son, a shout echoed through the air and Lily screamed, "JAMES!"

The door blasted open and bits of wood went flying through the air, narrowly missing Lily and Harry but a rouge piece of wood cut Ryders cheek.

In the doorway stood the Dark Lord, Voldemort. "Move aside woman, and I shall spare you." One of Voldemorts loyal followers had requested that the Mudblood be spared, and as much as the Dark Lord hates Mudbloods, he needs his followers more. So he had sent a stunning spell to James Potter and left his still body behind.

"NO! Do not touch my boys, take me instead! Just spare my babies!" The woman sobbed and begged as she stood in front of the cribs, the twins now awake. The Dark Lord was now getting irritated by all the noise in the room, from the crying to the screams of the children.

"SHUT UP!" He sent a stunning spell at the woman which sent her flying and hitting the wall, knocking her unconscious. Voldemort walked over to screaming children, his gaze moving from one child to the next.

He gazed at Ryder, his green eyes stared at him, fear evident in his eyes, and auburn hair which framed his face. There wasn't much to this child, the Dark Lord closed his eyes and tried to feel the child's magic, but it wasn't every strong nor special. So this isn't the child proficienced to destroy me, must be his brother.

Voldemort moved onto the next crib and there lay Harry Potter, his bird nest of raven black hair and emerald green eyes gazing up at the man with curiosity radiating from him. The child wasn't crying or wailing just lying still, which baffled the Dark Lord, how this child wasn't scared of him.

The Dark Lord didn't ponder much on this and instead closed his eyes and focused on the young boys magic. The Dark Lord gasped and snapped his eyes open and looked down at the boy who had started giggling and making grab-y hands at the man. So this is him. The one who will make my downfall...

Harry watched as the man in front of him took a step back and looked at the ground. This is a funny man. Harry giggled and started blabbering. A wand appeared in front of him and the words "Avada Kedavra" were muttered and a second later the green light was rebounded and hit Voldemort, leaving nothing but dust.

Nobody noticed the mope of blonde hair that reached into the crib and held the unconscious baby. The figure brushed the babies hair aside and noticed that his forehead was bleeding. The blood was instantly removed and the figure gasped, for the scar was in the shape of a lighting bolt.


The figure, Lucius' head snapped up and frowned into the doorway, where three other people stood. "What?" He demanded.

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