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Tom's magic flared as he listened to Hadrian telling him what happened at the Potter's Manor. "They tried to do what!?" Tom snarled as Hadrian finished telling him with a sniff. "Oh I'm going to end them! I don't care what happens, I will get proper custody of you Harry, I promise. You will not have to go back there, but it will have to wait until school starts."

Harry smiled softly, nodding. "I understand dad, don't worry, I only got another week, so hopefully I'll be able to get through that week without anymore issues. Plus, I have Ryder there, he's the only nice one in the family."

Tom placed a hand on his sons shoulder and squeezed it gently, "I know son, you have good judgement of character, so if you say he's the only nice then I believe you." He said gently, a calm loving smile on his face.

"Do you want to sleep here tonight or go back? See if you can bunk with Ryder for the rest of the week?" Tom asked.

Hadrian thought about it for a second, knowing staying away for the night was going to cause more drama so he agreed. "I'll go back, I'll bunk with Ryder for the week and make sure to stay away from Lily and James."

Tom smiled, accepting this. "Of course my son, I'll see you soon, before the end of the next holidays. Make sure Ryder protects you or he'll have me to talk to."

Hadrian laughed and told him he will and hugged the older man. "Ok dad, I love you."

Before Tom could say anything, Harry apparated away. Tom feeling dread settle into his gut, prayed to Mother Magic to keep his son safe until he could see him again.
As soon as Hadrian appeared in his brothers room, he was tackled to the ground. "Harry! Where were you!? I was so worried! I'm so sorry for what mum and dad did to yo-"

Hadrian cut him off with a chuckle, causing the boy to frown but grin a few seconds later.

Gently pushing his brother off him, Hadrian sat up, leaning against the wall. "I'm fine Ry, really. It doesn't matter anymore, I'm fine now. And I was at the park, I had to get away, I just sat down at the park for a bit to calm down, I'm okay now."

Ryder didn't believe him for a second but nodded anyways, accepting the obvious lie. "Okay, as long as you're sure brother, now, are you sleeping here for the rest of the week?"

Hadrian nodded, looking around and seeing another bed next to Ryders, raising an eyebrow at said boy, like saying, did you already know?

The boy smiled sheepishly and nodded. "I had a feeling you wouldn't wanna sleep alone so I thought this was the only other place for you to sleep."

Sorry for the short chapter, I'm on my way to another state and won't be able to update for a while, but will be writing another chap that will be ready for upload in around a week :)

Thank u all for reading this and ur support

What house do you think Ryder should be in? (Idk if I already asked this lol)


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 05 ⏰

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