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"Harry! Ryder! Come down stairs please! We have a visitor!" Lily called up the stairs. The sound of footsteps running down the hallway made Lily step to the side as Ryder flew down the stairs, with an irritated Harry in tow.

Ryder wrapped his arm around his brothers shoulder and led him over to the elderly wizard still standing by the fireplace. The wizard had a long white beard, and long white hair, half moon spectacles on his nose as he stared down at the two eleven year olds, a twinkle in his eye. Albus Dumbledore. His father had told him all about him, showed him memories from when he was in school when Dumbledore was the Transfiguration teacher. Told him to watch out for him, that he would be the target of Dumbledores attention.

James stepped forward and smiled at Harry. "Harry, this is Albus Dumbledore. HeadMaster of Hogwarts, School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. He used to be the Head of Gryffindor, the house every generation of Potter has gone." Chest puffed out, James preened at that. Hadrian inwardly rolled his eyes as he stared at Dumbledore, his gaze unwavering.

Albus smiled at the young boy. So this is Harry Potter, he would have to do some spells and controls when his back was turned. Compulsions will work nicely, Dumbledore thought gleefully, already having plans for the young boy in front of him.

"So Harry my boy, where did you grow up when you were...kidnapped from your birth family?" Albus asked, his voice feigning concern and worry.

Hadrian did roll his eyes at the tone of his voice. He resisted the urge to snort at that. Like he wasn't the one who let him be kidnapped. The old fool didn't even send anyone looking for him. Didn't tell anyone about the missing Potter boy. Like did he really think that Hadrian, raised by the smartest, most vindicated wizard around, would fall for his 'Grandfatherly' act? He must be as stupid as Tom said he is. Sighing inwardly, he took a deep breath and a shy, innocent look appeared on his face. It's time to act.

"HeadMaster Dumbledore I was raised by Darius Peverell, a Pureblood wizard. He had found me in the streets, wrapped in only a blanket. He raised me, fed me, gave me clothes and a roof over my head. He taught me everything I know about magic and my brother. How he had defeated the Dark Lord Voldemort, and saved the entire wizarding world." His eyes widening in indignation as he grinned at his brother. The look on his face was one of admiration, which was feigned but no one saw through it. He had to stifle his amusement when the adults around him grinned and smirked as though they were the ones he was talking about.

Albus squeezed the young boys shoulder in a weak comforting way. "Harry my boy, don't you worry about Voldemort, he's gone and if he does rise again, we will be ready. Your brother has been trained by the best, most talented tutors in Britain. He is more than ready to fight the Dark Lord if the times rises." He flashed the Potter twins a 'grandfatherly' smile and patted Ryders shoulder. Ryder sniffed disgusted and shook his head.

Hadrian took a step back in amusement, what had happened to cause Ryder to look at the Headmaster like that? A shy look of 'admiration' on his face as he stared up at the HeadMaster. Albus' eyes gleaned evilly. Yes, this was the perfect boy to shape and mould to his causes. He had no plans for using his brother, Ryder was just a spare, a sacrifice before Harry stepped in.

Lily cleared her throat, she didn't like the way the Headmaster was looking at her son, so possessively, a hungry glint in his eyes. "Headmaster, why did you come here? I'm sure you have other duties to attend to. James and I were just about to take the boys out for the day. So if you'll excuse us, we'll be leaving."

Lily didn't even let the old man respond before she grabbed a hold of Hadrian and James stood up, silently questioning why his wife was being so rude to the man who had just Floo'd away. James put his hand on Ryders shoulder and they all Apparted to Diagon Alley.

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