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Revised/updated: 9.8.23

Lucius stepped up and looked the teen in the eyes, "Welcome back Tom Riddle."

Tom looked around again and stood up, shaken at first before he found his footing. A cool breeze washed over him and he shivered, he hadn't felt this cold in over 50 years! That's when he looked down at his new body and realised he was stark naked!

He quickly looked up and looked eyes with Barty. "Go fetch me some clothes, I'm not doing anything without clothing on."

Barty scrambled up from his place on the floor. "Of course my Lord, I'll be right back." He ran out of the room and straight into his. He grabbed a T-shirt, some shorts and boxers. He raced back down to the dungeons where the ritual had taken place and handed the clothes to Tom silently.

After changing Tom looked at Lucius. "Care to explain what's happening?"

Lucius then explained what had taken place earlier that day and the ritual that they had performed.

Before Riddle had a chance to respond a knock made them all look up to see the door slowly opening. A women walked down the stairs, with every bit of pureblood grace.

She bowed her head to Tom, acknowledging his presence before she turned to her husband. "It's time to come back up. The boys are getting restless and they need to be held while I make bottles."

Lucius blinked, he had completely forgotten about Harry for a moment. "Of course Cissa, we'll be right up, and if our Lord is up for it, we can introduce hun to the boys and see what happens."

Tom made a face at the "Lord" title. "Please stop calling me that. I'm not your lord. That's the weird, no nose snake looking dude that Lucius told me about. The bloke sounds like he's off his rockers if you ask me."

Tom didn't notice the shocked faces of everyone in the room, besides the females who were trying not to laugh at the faces the males were making. None of them were used to the way Tom Riddle is speaking, no causal like a normal teenager.

Lucius was the first to snap out of his stupor and began to climb the stairs, beckoning for the others to follow him which they did. He opened the door and stepped through and stood back, letting everyone go in front before shutting the door.

Tom let his eyes wonder around the hallway they were standing in, thumbs hooked into the pocket of his jeans. "So where's the kids?"

Cissa smiled warmly at him. "They are just down here my Lor- Tom." Tom smiled warmly back as she called him by his name. He let her lead him down the hall to the room the kids were sleeping in. "Mine and Lucius' child is Draco, he's the blonde one and the raven haired one is Harry James Potter. We brought him back here when Voldemort tried to kill him, we want to raise him away from everything, cause no doubt his twin brother will be getting all the attention."

Narcissa scowled at that part and opened the door, letting Tom wander in leisurely. He closed his eyes, feeling immense power wafting through the air and, with his eyes still closed, followed the power. When he stopped, he opened his eyes and stared down at the child, it was the Potters boy.

Hesitantly reaching into the crib, Tom lifted the baby out and held him in his arms, the baby fitting perfectly.

Harry stared at the man holding him, and giggled. He reached a hand up and placed his tiny hand on the man's cheek, watching his face screw up then smile. Harry giggled again and said his first word. "Pa-pa-papa!" He squealed.

Startled, Tom took a step back and held the baby away from him. "Oh no, I ain't a father! I'm only 16! I'm still young -technically- but still! I ain't wanting to look after a kid!"

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