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"I hope Chief Gunther settles the situation alright."

"Don't bother thinking about those. Have faith in Chief Gunther. What you can do now is focus on the event. Your team needs a captain to lead and gives them the spirit of unity and courage." Tenma smiles at Aki's words. He reminded him of his main goal and the reason he had come to this place in the first place.

"Thank you, Aki-nee." Looking out the window, seeing his team was about to finish the opening. He stands up and goes to the door. "I'll go check on the team."

Aki gladly smiles, relieved that she was able to ease his concerns. "Go, Tenma-kun. I'll be right here. Good luck, captain." Tenma happily nods back and goes to exit, with Itsuki following behind.


Chief Gunther POV

"Aktivirovan li blokirovshchik svyazi? (Is the Communication Blocker activated?)." I asked as I walked on my way to the main entrance, with one of my security members following behind.

"Da. Po vashey komande my vklyuchili yego do nachala meropriyatiya. Na dannyy moment nikakikh zlonamerennykh deystviy ne proiskhodit. (Yes. As per your command, we turned it on before the event started. There is no malicious happening as of the moment.)."

"Khoroshiy. Vy upomyanuli, chto u etogo vysokopostavlennogo chinovnika iz Japan Soccer Youth yest' soratniki. Skol'ko? (Good. You mentioned that this high-ranked official from Japan Soccer Youth has companions with him. How many?)"

"Da ser. S nim tol'ko dvoye muzhchin. Oni, kazhetsya, futbol'nyy trener iz raznykh shkol. (Yes, sir. There are only two men with him. They seem to be a soccer coach from different schools.)

'Soccer Coach?' I wondered who these could be high-ranked officials. What are they doing here? The master specifically ordered us not to let anyone who was not it the list could go inside the stadium, no matter what.


It was Friday morning in the Starlight Organization in Russia. On a regular basis, I would walk around the office complex to ensure that the security was excellent.

This time I'm in the control room, monitoring the training of the new recruits.

"Ne pozvolyayte protivniku vzyat' verkh. Naydite yego slaboye mesto, a zatem ispol'zuyte eto kak svoye priklyucheniye. Snova! (Don't let the opponent gets the upper hand. Find his weak spot and then use that as your adventure. Again!)" The recruits get back on their feet and continue their combat drills against my best fighters.

When my jacket pocket rings out of the blue, I take it out to find a call from Master Hiroto. Without any delay, I answered immediately. "Good day, Master Hiroto. What brings you to call me?"

"Gunther, I have a request to make. I need your assistance for the event this Saturday in Inazuma, Japan. The one facilitating will be my son and his team. I'll assign you to manage stadium security for their protection.

"Yes, we will set up our flight to Japan straight away. A question, though, Master Hiroto. Why us? You could make use of the security team at the Japan headquarters."

"Not that I have any doubts about the security. My son and his team need complete protection for their safety, so I want someone to take this task seriously as you do. No matter what, don't let my son gets in trouble."

"Why? Has something happened to Arion, Master Hiroto?"

"Nothing serious. Arion got back home two weeks ago. After a week, we discovered that he had been concealing his illness from us. The doctor forbade him from carrying out any activity that would tire him. He'll be alright in a month."

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