Chapter 8.

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When I enter Pop's restaurant, I immediately spot my parents sitting at a table in a corner. I turn towards the kitchen and smile when I find Jake standing at the door separating the restaurant from the kitchen in his chef coat, already smiling at me. He stops smiling, raises his eyebrows, and nods once, asking whether everything's okay, and I nod in return before starting to go towards my parents, who haven't seen me yet. My mom came back from her trip a week ago, but it's only the second time I've seen her since. We met at a coffee shop the day after she came back, but I'm still staying at Mia's, hence the reason for the meeting today. Since what happened with my father the other day, I've only gone back home once to get a few things I needed. Even though I knew my father would be at work, Jake and Mia accompanied me. Better safe than sorry. I only told my mom about what happened when we met at the coffee shop. I did not want her to be worried during the week she was away. Knowing her, she could have taken a flight back home without waiting for the end of the event, and I did not want that. I guess I should have, though, because my father did. Well, he made sure I was the bad guy in the story, but still, he told her first. After I explained everything that happened, she asked me if I was sure that's exactly what happened and whether I was adding things to get my father in trouble. According to my father, he was drinking when I came home. Angry that I was out so late, he started questioning me, and I gave no answer. When he stood up, he accidentally knocked the bottle on the counter, and as it fell, the sound startled me, and I ran back out and never came back. This is the story my mother chose to believe because, as she told me that day, my father is never violent; he would never try to hurt me. Hurt by her reaction, I left, refusing to come back home. She finally convinced me to have lunch with them. She refused to let Mia accompany me, so I said I'd accept only if it was at Pop's. It was Jake's idea. For a start, it is crowded, and my father holds onto his reputation too much to make a scene in public. Secondly, Jake is here. If anything happens, he will intervene. I don't know what he meant by "intervene", but I'm happy to know that he is close.

I sit at the table, facing both of my parents, without saying a word. At first, we all stay silent. My mom only starts talking after we place our orders. She tells me that they are sorry about what happened, they want me to come back home, and nothing of it will ever happen again. I don't say anything while she explains how important it is for a family to stay united, to forgive each other when someone makes a mistake, and that it is important for me to return home.

Our orders arrived ten minutes ago. Mom has not even touched her fork yet, but my father, who sat there without a word and looking bored the whole time, is not having any difficulty enjoying his meal.

"Just apologize and come back home already. You are wasting everyone's time with your whims," says my father, his mouth full of food. Very classy. Is he serious right now? I have to apologize? My whims? This is unbelievable. He tries to hit me with a freaking bottle, and I am the one who needs to apologize? I turn to my mother, who is looking at me expectantly. Of course, she agrees with him. Why did I expect her to stand by me this time? She always tells me that he doesn't mean all this shit he throws in my face, but she never tells him to stop. I should be strong and listen to him talk when he 'is having a bad day' but it's okay for him to vent his frustrations on me. I take a deep breath, holding in the tears tickling my eyes. I can't cry, not right now. I force a smile before standing up to leave.

"Elly, sweetheart, wait. You don't have to apologize. I'm sorry, we should not have said that." As always, she is the only one apologizing and taking the blame for both of them. "Please come back home. I promise this will never happen again. If it happens, you will leave. We will both leave. We will find a place to stay together. I know it will not happen again. I promise. Please come back home."

My father doesn't say anything. He continues eating as if this conversation has nothing to do with him.

"I will think about it." I answer before leaving.


Even if she doesn't say it, Aelia is not okay. She refused to talk about what happened earlier with her parents, but it obviously did not go well. She always has difficulty talking about her emotions, and pressuring her won't help, so I don't ask more questions. I just hope she will get comfortable enough to talk to me in the future. It's hard to make someone feel better when you don't know what's wrong. I decided to take her to the movies tonight, hoping that it would cheer her up. After the movie, she insists on going to Game Corner. 'You could take your revenge,' she said. Well, I didn't. I didn't win even one game this time, but kicking my ass at video games seems to cheer her up, so at least I've got that. We play for a while before heading to a restaurant, where we order burgers.

"Don't worry, it's our little secret." She winks at me as she bites into her fries.

"What secret?"

"That you suck at video games," she giggles. I bring my hand over my heart and gasp exaggeratedly.

"I don't suck at anything! I'm the best at everything I do. It's just not my day."

"Oh, don't be too modest," she laughs.

Aelia laughing is number one on my list of the most beautiful views on earth. She's just perfect.

"What?" she asks when she catches me staring at her.

"You are so beautiful." I tell her for the first time.

"Thanks," she whispers, staring at her plate with a shy smile on her face.

I lean over the table, lift her face, and kiss her when I hear a familiar voice.

"How cute," she mocks, "Jake with his brand new toy."

"Lucy." I say as I sit back. "You already know Aelia, my girlfriend." I smile. As I expected, she was surprised by the word girlfriend. She glares at Aelia, trying to make her uncomfortable, but Aelia keeps solid eye contact, not intimidated at all. That's my girl!

"We were kind of in the middle of something, so if that's all..."

"Call me when you get tired of Miss Strawberry Shortcake right here." She winks at me before she starts walking.

"I wouldn't count on this if I were you."

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