Chapter 10.

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I am sitting in the living room watching a movie with Austin and Mia when I receive a notification. My heart starts racing when I read the text.

Unknown number: Should have kept him in short leash Shortcake :*

My heart stops beating when I open the picture attached. The pain in my chest makes it difficult to breath and my hands starts to shake as tears flood my eyes. I drop my phone when the unknown number sends me a video.


The music is too fucking loud, and there are too many fucking people. I sit here, my second beer in hand, forcing out a laugh for the hundredth time tonight. I do not understand shit about what they are saying; I can't even hear them. I just laugh when everyone is, nodding a few times. I didn't want to be here tonight. I'd rather hang out at home with Aelia, but Dylan forced me to come. He said that we haven't spent enough time together lately and that a party would help me relax because I work too much. I used to enjoy these types of things: drinks, girls, and music make the best cocktail, as the saying goes. But today I don't feel like that anymore, and I am way too tired for this. I am trying to remember what the group was talking about while I zoned out to answer the question a guy just asked me when I feel my phone vibrate in my pocket. It's a text from Mia.


What the fuck? I receive a second text soon after, this one from Austin.

Austin: IDK what you did man, but you're in trouble.

Austin: Elly's crying and Mia said she'll cut your balls off with your favorite knife.

I start to panic. I have no idea what's happening. I tried to call Aelia and Mia from both my phone and Dylan's, but they wouldn't answer. I tried calling Austin, but he said that they locked themselves in Mia's room and they are not answering him either. At least I know they are safe at home.

"I'm leaving." I tell Dylan as I get up. "I have no idea what's happening."

"Where are you going, Keller?" Ashton Montgomery asks, blocking my way as he stands too.

"He must be running to his new little toy," Lucy adds. I don't have time for their shit, so I push past him.

"The little mute?" he laughs. I stop walking at this comment, my blood boiling. "Let me know when you're done with her. That pussy must be fu-" He doesn't have the time to finish his sentence. I throw a punch, hitting him square in the face, the impact making him fall into the couch behind him. "What the hell is wrong with you?" he shouts as he wipes away the blood coming out of his nose. It must be broken; it's not looking very straight from where I'm standing.

"Chill man, he was just joking," a voice says from the group, which is now staring at me. The people close to us stopped dancing and started staring at us too.

I grab his shirt and pull him off the couch. "Disrespect my girl one more time, and you won't have a tongue to talk shit anymore." I tell him before releasing his shirt and letting him fall back. "It applies to all of you," I add, looking straight into Lucy's scared eyes.

When I get home, I go straight to Mia's room.

"Aelia?" I shout, knocking on the locked door, "What's wrong, Sunshine?"

"Go back to where you came from, Jake. Looks like you were having a lot of fun," Mia replies.

"What's wrong?" I repeat, anger adding to my fear and confusion. "Open the door."

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